Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Protected Edible Crops 2015 - Summary Report

Report on a survey of pesticide use on protected edible crops in Scotland.

2015 Pesticide usage

Protected edible crops

  • An estimated 31 hectares (including multi-cropping) of protected edible crops were grown under permanent protection in Scotland, an increase of 46 per cent since 2013
  • 39 per cent of the crop area was treated with a pesticide
  • Pesticides were applied to 20 treated hectares (exc. disinfectants)
  • 2.5 kg of pesticides were applied (excludes disinfectants and biological control agents)
  • Where reasons were given, 66 per cent of biologicals were for the control of two-spotted spider mite and 34 per cent for aphids. Powdery mildew was the principal reason specified for fungicide use and caterpillars was the only reason specified for the control of insecticides
  • Crops encountered included tomatoes, herbs, brassicas, various salad crops, vegetables in propagation and a wide range of minor vegetables
  • Summary of pesticide use on protected edible crops:
Pesticide group Formulation area treated (ha) Weight applied (kg) % of crop area treated Most used formulations (ha)
Insecticides 2.84 0.30 5.9 Spinosad (1.39)
Molluscicides 0.19 0.09 0.6 Ferric phosphate (0.16)
Biological control agents 4.11 NA 8.4 Phytoseiulus persimilis (1.36)
Biopesticides 0.06 <0.005 0.2 Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (0.06)
Fungicides 0.03 0.02 0.1 Copper sulphate (0.03)
Sulphur 9.53 1.91 30.3 Sulphur (9.53)
Herbicides 0.04 0.04 0.1 Glyphosate (0.04)
Seed treatments 2.64 0.03 5.6 Metalaxyl-M (1.76)
Physical agents 0.10 0.10 0.3 Carbonic acid diamide/urea (0.1)
Disinfectants/ surface cleaners 3.37 20.73 6.8 Acetic acid/hydrogen peroxide/peracetic acid and Sodium hypochlorite (both 1.23)

Figure 7 Proportion of pesticide groups used on protected edible crops (percentage of total area treated with formulations)

Figure 7 Proportion of pesticide groups used on protected edible crops (percentage of total area treated with formulations)

Note: chart excludes disinfectants

Figure 8 Proportion of pesticide groups used on protected edible crops (percentage of total weight applied)

Figure 8 Proportion of pesticide groups used on protected edible crops (percentage of total weight applied)

Note: chart excludes disinfectants and biological control agents. Biological control agents are applied by number of organisms rather than weight therefore data are not presented


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