
Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops

A revised version of this report has been issued to correct inaccuracies in active substance application weight data that were overestimated in the original report. This issue only affects certain herbicide active substances in relation to quantity applied. Please do not use the original version of this report as this has now been replaced by the revised 2020 report: Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops – revised 2020.

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on soft fruit crops grown in Scotland during 2016.

Table 25: Blackcurrant fungicide and sulphur active substances - 2016

Area (ha), Quantity (kg) and percentage of crop treated

Fungicides Blackcurrants
(Ha) (%) (Kg)
Boscalid 200 66 80
Chlorothalonil <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Copper oxychloride 2 <0.5 2
Cyprodinil 198 65 74
Dodine 1 <0.5 1
Fenhexamid 84 28 62
Fenpropimorph 3 <0.5 2
Fludioxonil 198 65 49
Kresoxim-methyl 397 67 40
Myclobutanil 518 87 40
Penconazole 3 <0.5 <0.5
Pyraclostrobin 200 66 20
Pyrimethanil 53 17 41
All fungicides 1,856 87 412
Sulphur (1) 402 68 3,207
Area grown 304

(1) Sulphur can be used on blackcurrants as an insecticide to control big bud mite. Sulphur can also be used as a fungicide or as a foliar fertiliser


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