Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops

A revised version of this report has been issued to correct inaccuracies in active substance application weight data that were overestimated in the original report. This issue only affects certain herbicide active substances in relation to quantity applied. Please do not use the original version of this report as this has now been replaced by the revised 2020 report: Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops – revised 2020.

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on soft fruit crops grown in Scotland during 2016.

Table 36: Total soft fruit crop, comparison with previous years

Pesticide usage 2016, 2014 & 2011/12 (1), total pesticide treated area (ha) of formulations, active substances (a.s.) and quantities used (kg)

2011/12 (1) 2014 2016
Formulations (ha) a.s. (ha) kg Formulations (ha) a.s. (ha) kg Formulations (ha) a.s. (ha) kg
Insecticides/acaracides 7,744 7,744 1,340 9,435 9,435 1,480 5,741 5,741 461
Molluscicides 747 747 193 412 412 109 293 293 68
Fungicides 19,007 22,071 14,240 18,505 21,498 13,436 13,788 16,940 7,055
Sulphur 1,131 1,131 3,171 1,964 1,964 5,913 781 781 3,687
Herbicides 3,309 3,386 1,949 4,246 4,549 3,110 3,958 4,163 3,342
Biological control agents 426 426 N/A 466 466 N/A 622 622 N/A
Biopesticides 1,787 1,787 153 1,759 1,759 136 852 852 70
Physical control 347 347 289 42 325 447 6 24 47
All pesticides 34,498 37,639 21,183 36,828 40,407 24,494 26,041 29,416 14,729
Area grown (ha) (2) 1,662 1,800 1,876

(1) Note: 2014 was the first soft fruit report to contain both non-protected and protected soft fruit which makes data comparison with previous surveys difficult. Non-protected and semi-protected data from the 2012 Soft Fruit Crop survey have been amalgamated with protected data from the 2011 Protected Edible report to allow some comparison. Data users should be aware that there have been minor differences in crop range, crop areas and methods used for estimating pesticide use between surveys. Please see appendix 4 – survey methodology for changes in method between years.

(2) Area grown includes multi-cropping. N/A = not applicable.


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