Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops

A revised version of this report has been issued to correct inaccuracies in active substance application weight data that were overestimated in the original report. This issue only affects certain herbicide active substances in relation to quantity applied. Please do not use the original version of this report as this has now been replaced by the revised 2020 report: Pesticide usage in Scotland 2016: soft fruit crops – revised 2020.

This publication presents information from a survey of pesticide use on soft fruit crops grown in Scotland during 2016.

Table 3: Strawberry biological, molluscicide and physical control

formulations - 2016

Area (ha) and percentage of crop treated

Biological control agents Non-protected Strawberry Protected Strawberry All Strawberry 2014 (2)
(Ha) (%) (Ha) (%) (Ha) (%) (Ha)
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora 0 0 113 7 113 6 53
Neoseiulus californicus 0 0 9 <0.5 9 <0.5 0
Neoseiulus cucumeris 0 0 70 3 70 3 138
Phytoseiulus persimilis 0 0 68 7 68 7 29
Steinernema kraussei 0 0 114 12 114 11 125
All biological control agents 0 374 374 379
Bacillus subtilis 0 0 767 40 767 37 1,509
Beauveria bassiana ATCC - 74040 0 0 6 1 6 1 85
Beauveria bassiana GHA 0 0 7 1 7 1 0
All biopesticides 0 780 780 1,749
All biologicals (1) 0 0 1,154 47 1,154 43 2128
Ferric phosphate 3 2 56 4 59 4 67
Metaldehyde 0 0 194 17 194 16 260
All molluscicides 3 2 250 21 253 20 395
Physical control
Carbonic acid diamide/urea 0 0 24 1 24 1 325
Area grown 75 920 995 972

(1) All biologicals includes biopesticides and biological control agents

(2) For full list of formulations recorded in 2014 please refer to the 2014 report (3)


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