
Pesticides: code of practice for using plant protection products in Scotland

The code is aimed at all professional users of plant protection products (pesticides) in Scotland.

Annex F: record sheet for pesticide treatments

You might find this record of your pesticide treatments useful. You may want to add or take away columns because of the specific circumstances of your particular treatments. if you are keeping written records rather than computer ones, you might want to use a large book opened to a double page to give yourself plenty of room to add or take away columns, record different information and so on. You will then be able to see all of the information at once.

The notes referred to in the columns are at the bottom.

Worker's name

Job reference


Site treated

Crop, area, material or structure treated

Reason for treatment

Product and MAPP or HSE number (see note 1)

Dose of product applied (litres or kilograms per hectare)


Note 1: show all products when a mixture is used.

Note 2: you should record:

  • periods when crops should not be harvested, people or animals should not be allowed on the site, or ventilation is needed, as appropriate
  • whether the crop or weeds are in flower
  • whether you have told neighbours, beekeepers or others
  • whether you have displayed (and removed) warning signs
  • whether you had any problems when using the pesticide


Volume applied (litres per hectare)

Total amount of product used (litres or kilograms)

Total area treated (hectares or square metres)

Start time

Finish time

Total hours

Weather conditions (such as wind speed and direction)

Other relevant information (see note 2)


it is good practice to make a note of the effectiveness of the treatment and any damage noticed after an appropriate time. You may need to make extra records, where appropriate. for example:

  • to meet the conditions of the LERAP schemes, crop assurance schemes or the woodland assurance standard
  • when you are applying certain pesticides or working in certain situations (see section 4 of this code)
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