Pesticides Stakeholder Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Pesticides Stakeholder Group.


The Pesticides Stakeholder Group (PSG) has been established to address concerns from pesticide users and other stakeholders around the withdrawal, or significant changes to approval of, key plant protection products under legislation on pesticide approval and use.

 Pesticides play an important role in supporting Scotland’s plant health and crop production, maintenance of national infrastructure and management of conservation areas and sporting facilities.  However, it is essential that the benefits pesticides provide are balanced with the potential environmental and health risks that may be associated with their use.  Transparency around ways that different sources of evidence are used to inform regulatory decisions will become increasingly important as GB begins to take more decisions related to pesticides independent of the EU.

From 1 January 2021 an independent pesticides regulatory regime is in operation in GB.  All relevant EU law in relation to the regulation of plant protection products has been brought onto the domestic statute book as retained EU law and functions which were previously carried out at EU level, or shared with other EU Member States, have been repatriated to the UK administrations (so Scottish Ministers for Scotland).  The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) remains as the national regulator on behalf of all UK administrations through individual Agency Agreements with administrations.

Plant Health Centre projects PHC2018/15 and PHC2020/09 estimate the potential cross-sectoral impacts on plant health in Scotland arising from pesticide withdrawals and provide recommendations on how to address these.  The Plant Health Centre reports, and other relevant information sources, will be used as the basis for initial discussions and actions for the PSG to consider.


The PSG’s purpose is to provide a forum for Scottish Ministers, Scottish Government officials, industry representatives and other interested stakeholders to discuss matters primarily related to plant protection product (“PPP”) authorisation and use that may have an impact in Scotland.  It will help develop a better joint understanding of that impact, how it may affect different sectors and the natural environment and what steps need to be taken to be able to support sustainable pest management.

The PSG will play a key role in delivering the recommendations set out in the Plant Health Centre reports PHC2018/15 and PHC2020/09.  The group will also provide a forum to discuss a range of other topical aspects relating to PPP regulation, availability and monitoring.

The PSG is not a regulatory decision making body. Decisions made under PPP regulation are for the Scottish Ministers, or HSE on behalf of Scottish Ministers, to make in accordance with the law, in particular relevant PPP legislation and applicable administrative law requirements.


The PSG will:

  • look ahead to potential changes to PPP authorisations, primarily focussing on withdrawals/end of authorisation periods of active substances and products (including grace periods) but also raising other significant changes in regulation and authorisations such as changes to authorisation conditions, guidance, MRLs and applications for emergency authorisations of PPPs
  • provide a forum for knowledge and information sharing from different sectors about their experience of using PPPs and other pest control measures
  • provide a forum to gain an understanding of the on-the-ground importance and efficacy of products which may be withdrawn from future use and investigate the availability of possible alternative control measures, to help identify areas where further research may be required or to aid development of alternative management practices, contingency plans, etc.
  • hear views from other stakeholders who may not be direct users of PPPs but who have an interest in their use

Ways of working and communication

The PSG will meet quarterly.  Ad hoc meetings will be arranged if immediate issues arise. Any member may propose items for the agenda.

As far as possible, the agenda and any papers will be circulated one week before each meeting and notes of meetings will be circulated one week after each meeting.  Members should be aware that information they give may be subject to Freedom of Information Requests.

Scottish Government officials will chair the meetings and will provide the secretariat.

The PSG will review its terms of reference and performance annually.


Membership rests with the following organisations, which will aim to ensure that participants have the necessary knowledge and authority to contribute to the work of the Group. 

A full list of members is available. 

Other organisations may participate in meetings where appropriate, dependant on the topics under discussion, with the agreement of the Chair.


The main contact for the secretariat is Alison Knox.

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