
Phase 2 MPA measures and PMF review: minutes of stakeholder meetings

Minutes of the meetings held with stakeholder groups prior to enacting phase 2 Marine Protected Areas measures and Priority Marine Features review.

A first phase of fisheries management measures for inshore MPAs was consulted upon in 2014, resulting in measures being implemented in early 2016 for the most vulnerable sites.

This second phase covers the remaining sites which require measures, in addition to additional protection for the 11 Priority Marine Features most vulnerable to bottom contacting fishing gear outside the MPA network. 

Following the scoping workshop on PMF and MPA management measures on the 1st October 2019 it was agreed that the consultation would be delayed to allow further stakeholder engagement.

A series of engagement events for stakeholders were organised in late 2019 and early 2020. These are the minutes of the meetings held with stakeholder groups.

Additional meetings held in 2021 and 2022.

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