
Phase 2 MPA measures and PMF review minutes: SFF and SWFPA - 27 January 2020

Minutes of Marine Scotland's meeting on 27 January 2020 with the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and the Scottish Whitefish Producers Association (SWFPA) prior to enacting phase 2 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) measures and Priority Marine Features (PMF) review.

Attendees and apologies

Attending organisations:

  • Marine Scotland
  • Scottish Fishermen’s Federation
  • Scottish Whitefish Producers Association

Items and actions

Meeting summary

Marine Scotland apologised to SFF/SWFPA for not copying them into recent correspondence regarding the engagement process for this project.

SFF/SWFPA highlighted that they weren’t able to contribute on behalf of their members in recent the RIFG forum (referring to East Coast RIFG meeting on 24 January 2020). Marine Scotland confirmed that we wish to continue to engage with SFF & SWFPA throughout the process of developing these management proposals and as with for other stakeholders they would be willing to have specific bilateral meetings with them.

SFF/SWFPA observed that they didn’t feel that fishers clearly understood what the proposed measures entailed and the purpose of Marine Scotland’s discussions with fishers, and suggested that this may limit engagement and harm the process due to assumptions made by industry. 

SFF/SWFPA highlighted that Orkney Fisheries Association is part of SFF and CIFA and so have not yet had direct participation in recent engagement nor the information to contextualise discussions. 

SFF/SWFPA encouraged Marine Scotland to have meetings beyond the core RIFG meetings. Marine Scotland highlighted that we would set further meetings up around Scotland’s coast via the RIFG network, and agreed that these would be beneficial to support engagement.

SFF/SWFPA highlighted that they have sought to work with CIFA to support the engagement process and invited them to this meeting. They outlined that they that they wish to support constructive engagement, working with Marine Scotland to minimise industry impacts whilst supporting protection of PMFs. 

SFF/SWFPA offered to support engagement with fishers, to facilitate information sharing and remove barriers to participation. They will work with Associations to discuss and confirm if they are content with the meeting format and suggest any improvements as required.

SFF/SWFPA queried the project timescale and reason 2019 fishing data was not included in the Sustainability Appraisal. Marine Scotland confirmed that 2019 data had not been available until December 2019, and confirmed that we would seek to include this data within the next Sustainability Appraisal, which would be undertaken in advance of public consultation. We also said that the consultation was unlikely to go ahead before May 2021 due to the need for additional stakeholder engagement to enable us to consider refinements to existing proposals. 

SWFPA (on behalf of Mallaig and North - West Fishermen's Association) agreed to work closely with fishers in the Mallaig area in particular due to the large number of proposed management sites in the region, in order to support constructive dialogue. Marine Scotland agreed to send SFF/SWFPA meeting documents and maps to facilitate engagement.

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