Physical activity for health: framework

A framework for action to improve levels of physical activity at both national and local level which is firmly founded on evidence-based international guidance.

First Minister Foreword

It is so important to be as physically active as we can be. Scotland has a unique and beautiful natural environment and, whenever I can, I take the opportunity to go out for a run or a cycle or a hill walk.

I do these things because I enjoy them. They make me feel good both physically and mentally and they help me bond with my family, my friends and my community.

Of course, I also know that, as well as having fun, physical activity is one of the best things we can do for our mental, physical and social health. Being active plays a major role in helping to prevent disease and in both reducing the risk of poor mental health and in treating it. It helps with attainment and developing confidence in both young and old. It provides opportunities for people to connect with their neighbourhoods, coming together in shared activities which inspire and motivate, helping to reduce social isolation and build community cohesion.

Recognising the many benefits of an active nation, the Scottish Government has always been committed to supporting and enabling people to be more active. We also know that improving levels of physical activity is not limited to increasing participation in sport or formal exercise. While it is absolutely true that sport and exercise provide important opportunities for people to be more active, it is also essential to recognise that everyday activity such as active travel or gardening plays an equally important role as does recreational activity, particularly walking and wheeling, but also dance, active play and cycling. It doesn’t matter how we are active, it just matters that we are.

Every part of the Scottish Government has some role to play and both I and my Ministers are committed to working collectively across portfolios at a national level to deliver our vision. However, we also need to ensure that we match this with a strong focus on delivery to ensure that our ambitions result in real change on the ground. I am delighted that COSLA have been a strong partner in the development of this new Framework. It is only through partnership that we can hope to achieve our joint vision of a Scotland where more people are more active, more often.



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