Physical activity for health: framework

A framework for action to improve levels of physical activity at both national and local level which is firmly founded on evidence-based international guidance.

Overarching public health principles

Our approach to improving levels of physical activity in Scotland outlined in this document is underpinned by key overarching public health principles, adapted from the World Health Organisation Global Action Plan for Physical Activity and the characteristics of a whole systems approach advocated by Public Health Reform in Scotland. These include:

  • Collaborative leadership
  • Clear governance and resourcing
  • Multisectoral partnerships
  • Engagement and empowerment of policymakers, practitioners and communities
  • A Human rights-based approach
  • Equality and inclusion
  • Policy coherence
  • Equity across the life course:
  • Proportionate universalism
  • Evidence-based policy and practice
  • Place-based approaches

More detail on these fundamental principles behind our approach can be found at A systems-based approach to physical activity in Scotland (



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