
Physical Intervention and Seclusion Working Group - Recording and Monitoring sub-group: 12 May 2021 minutes

Minutes from the group's meeting on 12 May 2021.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government (Chair)
  • North Ayrshire Council
  • Association of Principal Education Physiologists/Highland Council
  • CALM Training
  • Children and Young Peoples Commissioner Scotland 
  • Positive and Active Behaviour Support Scotland
  • The Association of Scottish Principal Educational Psychologists
  • Glasgow City Council 


  • University of Edinburgh
  • Fife Council
  • The National Parent Forum of Scotland
  • British Institute of Learning Disabilities

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies 


All members of the group introduced themselves.

Our aims, remit and timescales

The Scottish Government advised the group of its aims as agreed by the physical intervention working group:

To consider the current approach taken by local authorities on recording and monitoring incidents, and make recommendations to take forward, which will include the introduction of a standard dataset that will ensure robust information is collected at a local authority level to support improved policy and practice.

This work will align with the work of the Physical Intervention Guidance sub group and will be used in conjunction with the new guidance.

The group agreed the following workplan:

  • initial consideration of what information is currently recorded by local authorities;
  • develop recommendations for what information needs to be recorded. Consideration will be given to UNCRC best practice;
  • develop recommendations for reporting timescales
  • develop recommendations for how the information could be used to support improvement;
  • consider what systems are currently used and develop recommendations for improvement/harmonisation across authorities;


Members agreed that they would like to progress as quickly as possible and provide a standard dataset for inclusion in the guidance that is due to be launched for public consultation in Autumn 2021.

Alignment with residential care

The Scottish Government updated the group on work with the care inspectorate to align definitions for restraint and seclusion and their planned update of recording and monitoring guidance for inspectors. Scottish Government will keep group members updated with this work.

The group requested that Education Scotland be invited to nominate a representative for this group.

Action: SG to discuss membership with Education Scotland

The Care Inspectorate carried out a round of inspections 4 years ago with managers focusing on recording and monitoring. The group have requested if possible to see a copy of the report and the current guidance for inspectors.

Action: SG to request a copy of the Care Inspectorate’s report and current inspection guidance and share with the group. 


The physical intervention working group has agreed to take account of the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill and reflect its ‘gold standard’ approach to children’s rights in its work. The CYPCS offered to advise the group at the next meeting of key children’s rights considerations in relation to the recording and monitoring of incidents.

Update on commission to local authorities

The Scottish Government wrote out to the 32 Directors of Education in all Local Authorities on 18 March to request 2 pieces of information: 

  1. What information do they gather for any current reporting of physical intervention, restraint and seclusion incidents? If there is a particular form/dataset used to record these incidents?
  2. What system the Local Authority uses to record and monitor any physical intervention, restraint and seclusion incidents in schools?

We have received responses from the majority of authorities and have sent reminders to the outstanding authorities for responses by Friday 21 May.

The Scottish Government will circulate an analysis of the responses in advance of the next meeting.

Action: Scottish Government to analyse responses from Local Authorities and provide the group with a summary to allow the group to review prior to the next meeting.

Glasgow City Council advised that they have a standard data set which they are willing to share with the group to consider as a starting point.

Action: Glasgow City Council to send a data set form to group prior to the next meeting.

Agree work plan and meeting schedule

The group agreed the workplan noted under item 3, to meet in 3 weeks, then 3 weeks after then monthly.


The Scottish Government raised EHRC inquiry into the recording of restraint and seclusion in England and Wales. Their report and findings will be shared when available and will be added to the appropriate agenda for discussion.

Date of next meeting

The group agreed to holding the next meeting on 2 June.

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