
Physical intervention in schools guidance: consultation analysis

An analysis report of the responses to the consultation on draft physical intervention in schools guidance.

5. Conclusions

This report has provided quantitative and qualitative analysis of the 104 responses received to the consultation on the draft physical intervention in schools guidance. While this report provides a summary of key findings and themes, it is recognised that the individual comments received have provided important feedback on the advice contained within the draft guidance. These have been considered in full. In partnership with the physical intervention working group, the Scottish Government will consider ways in which:

  • sections of the guidance can be simplified, without negatively impacting the level of detail required on these interventions;
  • the advice on prevention can be strengthened in line with the comments received;
  • additional clarification can be provided for some of the definitions; and
  • the comments and suggestions on supporting resources, handouts and training can be taken forward in the final version of the guidance and plans for its implementation.

The Scottish Government will now take forward revisions to the draft guidance, which will be published in due course.



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