
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

15. General Policy 4C: Wider biodiversity

15.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 3
Fisheries and aquaculture 1
Individual 0
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 3
Recreation 1

15.2 Main themes

15.2.1 The policy was generally welcomed but the responses raised issues in relation to some of the wording of the policy and associated text.

15.2.2 Two stakeholders (representing the recreation and renewable energy sectors) felt this policy would place more protection than was currently required by existing legislation. One stakeholder noted that there is a test of imperative reasons of overriding public interest ( IROPI) for Natura designations but that there is no such test stated here for the Priority Marine Features.

15.2.3 Two responses from aquaculture stakeholders requested their comments on the Highland Council Draft Aquaculture Supplementary Guidance was used to provide further information for Information Box 10.

Table 15.1 General Policy 4C Wider biodiversity - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
156 Information Box 9. Suggested alternative wording:
"Priority Marine Feature: Serpulid aggregations
The Serpulid worm is a beautiful marine tubeworm with a shiny crown of feathery red pink and orange tentacles, contrasting with a hard white tube. It has a worldwide distribution but in a few places, hundreds of them grow together forming bush like aggregations or 'reefs'. These aggregations have been identified as a PMF because they provide a habitat for a wide variety of other marine creatures such as sponges, sea squirts, spider crabs and starfish".
INFORMATION BOX 9: Text amended to:
'Priority Marine Feature: Serpulid aggregations
The Serpulid worm is a beautiful marine tubeworm with a shiny crown of feathery red pink and orange tentacles, contrasting with a hard white tube. It has a worldwide distribution but in a few places, hundreds of them grow together forming bush like aggregations or 'reefs'. These aggregations have been identified as a PMF because they provide a habitat for a wide variety of other marine creatures such as sponges, sea squirts, spider crabs and starfish.'
To accommodate request.
157 To avoid confusion with the legal protection given to Natura sites the following wording is suggested: "The Plan will not support development and activities that result in a significant impact on the national status of Priority Marine Features." GENERAL POLICY 4C: Text in first section amended to: 'The Plan will not support development and activities that result in a significant impact on the national status of Priority Marine Features'. For further clarity and to accommodate request.
158 The Plan should reflect the National Marine Plan text in relation to Priority Marine Features ('where planned developments or use have the potential to impact PMFs, mitigation, including alternative locations, should be considered. Actions should be taken to enhance the status of PMFs where appropriate'). GENERAL POLICY 4C: Text regarding Priority Marine Features clarified as detailed above. As above.
159 Use the same wording as in General Policy 4A i.e. "The Plan will support development and activities that do not result in significant adverse effects….". POLICY TEXT: Amended as above. Text amended as advised by Scottish Natural Heritage.
160 In 'Future considerations' Para. 190 states that "some areas of the PFOW coastal and marine habitats are relatively undisturbed" and it is suggested that these areas could be mapped. PARAGRAPH 194: Future considerations section: Sentence added at the end 'This may include identification of species (and habitats) that could be considered to be of regional or local importance'. To accommodate request.
161 Reference should be made to extensive comments sent by Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation and Scottish Sea Farms to the consultation on the Highland Council Draft Aquaculture Supplementary Guidance. Noted. All comments received have been taken into consideration.


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