
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

16. General Policy 4D: Landscape and seascape

16.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 2
Fisheries and aquaculture 2
Individual 0
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 4
Recreation 1

16.2 Main themes

16.2.1 The main issue raised by the stakeholders that responded to this question was the lack of clarity regarding Wild Land and the fact that the policy as worded suggests such areas have a legal designation. Several stakeholders pointed out that this is not correct and that Wild Land areas are identified as nationally important in Scottish Planning Policy but are not a statutory designation.

16.2.2 It was also noted that the wording in relation to National Parks should be removed (as there are none in the PFOW area) and that the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site might be better dealt with in the Historic Environment chapter.

16.2.3 Two aquaculture sectors stakeholders wish to see the Plan state clearly that fish farming should be an exception in terms of locational and operational needs as it has a minimal impact on land and seascapes.

16.2.4 Other responses noted the need for coordination between marine and terrestrial planning and noted the importance of the visual impact of development on the existing character and quality of landscape and seascape.

16.2.5 One stakeholder suggested the terms used in the last paragraph of the policy such as 'unspoiled', 'isolated' and 'undeveloped' are not clear when considering how development proposals will be judged against them. Another stakeholder suggested the use of the terms coastal wildness could cause confusion with Wild Land areas.

Table 16.1 General Policy 4D Landscape and seascape - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
162 Policy 4D. Amend last line of sentence to read '…be considered in both the planning and decision making stages'. NEW THIRD PARAGRAPH OF POLICY TEXT ADDED: Scottish Planning Policy should be considered in both the planning and decision making stages. To ensure Scottish Planning Policy is taken into account in decision making.
163 Clarify text regarding Wild Land areas. Suggested changes:
Second bullet is reworded as follows:
"they will not adversely affect the integrity of the area or the special qualities for which it has been designated/ identified"
" any significant adverse effects are clearly outweighed by social, environmental or economic benefits of national importance for NSAs and WLAs and local importance for SLAs"
Suggested change to second bullet not included.
POLICY TEXT: Deleted 'Wild Land Areas ( WLAs)'.
POLICY TEXT: Removed reference to World Heritage Site.
PARAGRAPH 195: Added sentence to the end of this paragraph 'The setting of the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site provides essential context for the site'.
PARAGRAPH 196: Second sentence changed to 'The high sensitivity of this important resource is established through Scottish Planning Policy'.
THIRD PARAGRAPH OF POLICY TEXT: Deleted and replaced with 'Scottish Planning Policy should be considered in both the planning and decision making stages'.
To ensure it is clear which designations are statutory and which are important for other reasons.
References to Wild Land corrected and made clearer.
World Heritage Site is dealt with in General Policy 6 so no policy text needed here. Sentence added to background text to highlight importance of setting.
References to Wild Land corrected and made clearer.
Clarity regarding when to consult Scottish Planning Policy
164 Remove reference to National Parks. POLICY BOX: Removed reference to National Parks. Correction as there are no National Parks in the area.
165 Rename map 6 to 'Landscape Designations and Wild Land Areas' and also it would be useful to indicate SNH's mapped wild land areas, as referred to in SPP, on Map 6, although please note that these cannot be referred to as designations. MAP 6 renamed 'Landscape Designations and Wild Land Areas' and Wild Land Areas shown on the map. To accommodate request.
166 Take account of comments by Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation and Scottish Sea Farms in relation to the Highland Council Draft Aquaculture Supplementary Guidance 2015 and the Orkney Islands Council Main Issues Report 2015. Comments obtained and read. All comments received have been taken into consideration.
167 Two aquaculture stakeholders would strongly argue that any policies proposed by local planning authorities with regard to 'wild land' ought to recognise the unique nature of fish farming in terms of its locational and operational needs and the overall minimal impact it has on land and seascapes. The respondents noted they would wish to see the final PFOWMSP state clearly that fish farming should be treated exceptionally in this regard. FURTHER INFORMATION: Add link to Scottish Natural Heritage guidance on landscape and seascape and siting of marine aquaculture developments: [] This is the guidance used to inform how all marine aquaculture developments should be designed and sited within the environment.
168 Use the same wording as in Policy 4A, i.e. "The Plan will support development or activities that do not have an adverse effect on.......". None. The policy wording is clear and does not require to be changed.
169 Para. 203: The wording here should be changed as it will be out of date very quickly. None. This paragraph covers the most likely future considerations so the text does not need changing.
170 Review use of terms such as 'unspoiled', 'isolated' and 'undeveloped' in the policy text in relation to how they will be applied to development proposals. POLICY TEXT: Third paragraph deleted. See comments above on providing clarity on status of Wild Land.
171 Cross reference to Scottish Planning Policy to clarify terminology with regard to coastal wildness and largely undeveloped coast. Changes to text as noted above. This terminology has been removed. See comments above.


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