
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

19. General Policy 5B: Coastal processes and flooding

19.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 1
Fisheries and aquaculture 0
Individual 1
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 5
Recreation 1

19.2 Main themes

19.2.1 There was general support for this policy and the ongoing work through the National Coastal Change Assessment project.

19.2.2 One respondent noted that the Churchill Barriers in Orkney will eventually become unusable due to the rise in sea water levels and suggested ways in which a new barrier could be combined with a renewable energy installation.

19.2.3 A recreation stakeholder noted that construction shore side can have knock on effects considerable distances away. This respondent commented that where buildings have been 'wrongly situated' there may be pressures to build erosion or flood defences that may then cause environmental damage themselves. It was noted that trying to artificially manage coastal erosion could be harmful.

19.2.4 One respondent expressed surprise at the lack of spatial data within the Plan.

19.2.5 A public sector respondent suggested the policy make reference to development in the intertidal area being in compliance with the flood risk framework in Scottish Planning Policy and noted other areas where the policy may not be in line with the Scottish Planning Policy.

Table 19.1 General Policy 5B Coastal processes and flooding - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
191 Para. 237. Suggestion to reword the last sentence ' SEPA …. maps, available on their website, which show areas that are …….flooding'. PARAGRAPH 237: 'Last sentence reworded: ' SEPA …. maps, available on their website, which show areas that are …….flooding'. To improve the clarity of the text.
192 Text should note potential on effects of building shore side and managing coastal erosion measures could both cause environmental damage. No new text added but comments noted. Any coastal development will have to undergo an assessment of impacts on a case by case basis, often as part of an Environmental Impact Assessment process. The accompanying Environmental Report also considers the cumulative impacts of development on flooding and erosion. As noted in paragraphs 236 and 239, work is ongoing to identify and manage flood risk.
193 Clarify lack of spatial information for this policy. PARAGRAPH 246: Additional reference made to SEPA flood maps: '…specific spatial information as it changes regularly. Up to date mapping can be found on the SEPA website; details are in the 'Further information' section'. As the flood risk data are continually updated, it is more appropriate to refer readers to the SEPA flood maps.
194 Page 97. Some of the flood links are not working. FURTHER INFORMATION: Broken links resubmitted:
To rectify issue.
195 Ensure the policy is in line with Scottish Planning Policy ( SPP) in relation to the flood risk framework and paragraph 88 of the SPP. PARAGRAPH 236: Amended last sentence, '…flooding, in accordance with the Flood Risk Framework in Scottish Planning Policy (2014).
POLICY TEXT: Amended to show new first bullet point: 'compliance with Scottish Planning Policy'; current bullet two amended to '…such as accommodation, should generally not be located in areas shown to be at risk of flooding unless appropriate measures are in place'.
To accommodate request and add further information and clarity.


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