
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

30. Sectoral Policy 5: Recreation, sport, leisure and tourism

30.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 1
Fisheries and aquaculture 2
Individual 2
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 5
Recreation 3

30.2 Main themes

30.2.1 There were some general comments from stakeholders regarding corrections to the maps and updates to the list of stakeholders on the distribution list.

30.2.2 One respondent (Royal Yachting Association) noted that racing areas, moorings and anchorages are also important and should be protected alongside routes.

30.2.3 There was support for the ongoing work to fill the information gaps with regard to use of the marine environment for recreation, sport, leisure and tourism.

30.2.4 The Royal Yachting Association and Sportscotland both supported this policy. Sportscotland considered it a 'robust and well-considered approach' both in assessing proposals for development of the sector and for the impacts of the sector on other developments.

30.2.5 Sportscotland also noted they support the use of codes of best practice and guidance as opposed to the introduction of further management measures.

30.2.6 Another respondent representing a fisheries stakeholder considered that the activities covered by this policy should be assessed as to whether they were sustainable e.g. this respondent noted cruise ships may bring non-native species, create wear on fragile tourist sites, increase fuel emissions through increased bus traffic and create inconvenience to daily life such as restricting fishermen's access to harbour facilities.

30.2.7 Another fisheries respondent noted that the industries mentioned in this policy will never overshadow the real community benefits of a healthy fishing industry and the needs of leisure activities should not take precedence over maintenance of a fishing industry.

30.2.8 It was noted that although the background text makes reference to cultural heritage tourism the policy itself focuses on natural heritage issues.

30.2.9 A recreational stakeholder noted that The Bay of Ireland is not included in the Royal Yachting Association areas on National Marine Plan interactive.

30.2.10 A public sector respondent felt the policy could have gone further and set out the strategic approach mentioned in paragraph 433 in more detail. It was suggested that if this was not undertaken in this Plan it should be considered for future regional marine plans. This respondent also suggested future plans could include key wildlife watching hubs and measures to support/promote this activity.

30.2.11 One respondent noted that although recreational use may only have an indirect impact on employment or revenue it should be considered equally to the other policies in the Plan. This respondent acknowledged that this meant it may be necessary to restrict or control recreational use if doing harm.

30.2.12 Scottish Water made a series of comments with regard to this policy:

  • They consider full body emersion water sport activities are incompatible with their discharge areas and sports clubs should consider this when arranging events
  • Their discharges meet the required standards at designated bathing areas
  • Outfalls and undersea pipelines may be vulnerable to damage from trailing anchors etc. and care is needed so as not to damage the assets
  • When considering facilities for leisure activities it should be noted that public drinking water mains may not be readily accessible in all areas

Table 30.1 Sectoral Policy 5 Recreation, sport, leisure and tourism - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
329 Page 164. The recommended routes from Cantick Head to cross the Pentland Firth between Swona and Stroma are missing (see Reeds Almanac). MAP 18: RYA recommended route from Cantick Head to cross the Pentland Firth between Swona and Stroma added. To accommodate request.
330 Add Scottish Canoe Association to the list of Stakeholders. Added to list of stakeholders. To accommodate request.
331 The Royal Yachting Association noted the mapping must comply with their licence requirements. Licence requirements checked and updates made as necessary. To accommodate request.
332 Recreational shipping (on the density map), is a curious term to use - this should presumably be recreational boating although the category does include some quite large vessels such as sail training vessels. MAP 19: Term 'Recreational Shipping' changed to 'Recreational Vessel' in title, legend and caption. Consistency with Shipping Study from which the data come.
333 Paras. 422 and 423 need to be updated now the Marine Tourism Strategy has been launched. PARAGRAPH 422 (now 427): Changed to '….and the Marine Tourism Strategy are aligned with this strategy'.
Link to be added: [].
PARAGRAPH 423 (now 428): Changed to 'The Marine Tourism Strategy has been developed by a working group....' and delete 'It is anticipated that the strategy will be published in 2015.'
334 Para. 433 identifies a need for a strategic approach, it is suggested that if this approach is not set out in this Plan it this should be developed as part of future regional marine plans. None. Strategic approach to development of land-based facilities can be a point to note in the Lessons Learned report as a future requirement.
335 Suggest the policy considers the impacts of developments during planning, construction and operation. POLICY TEXT: Third bullet point changed to ' during planning, construction and operation they minimise…..' To accommodate request.
336 This policy should be considered equally to all the other policies in the Plan and its importance should not be based solely on how much employment or income it generates. None. All policies are given equal weight.
337 It was noted that some activities are incompatible with Scottish Water discharges areas and that care needs to be taken to not damage their outfalls and undersea pipelines. None. Noted in overview text and covered in General Policy 5A.
338 Recreational activities should be scored for sustainability against e.g. fuel use, emissions, secondary pollutants and footfall site pressure. None. A scoring system such as this is outwith the scope of this Plan but could be considered for the Lessons Learned report.
339 The policy wording should be amended to include the historic as well as the natural environment. POLICY TEXT: Second bullet changed to 'they do not adversely affect the natural and historic environment which the resource….' Third bullet changed to '….including the natural and historic environment as a resource….' To accommodate request.
340 Change wording to: The Plan will support the sustainable development of marine recreation, sport, leisure and tourism in all their physical and educational requirements. None. The term 'marine recreation, sport, leisure and tourism' is very broad and will cover the items in the suggested text so additional text does not need to be included.
341 The Bay of Ireland is not included on National Marine Plan Interactive RYA Sailing Areas. This area has been mapped on the figure in the Plan but not added to National Marine Plan interactive. New layers such as this will have to be supplied by the Royal Yachting Association and have undergone their quality assurance procedures.
342 Map 18 needs to be modified as regards sailing routes see Fig 8.11 of OWPF Shipping Study 00410623.pdf MAP 18: Map modified to be consistent with Shipping Study. To accommodate request.
343 Map 19 only represents around 17% of recreational boating as the majority of craft either do not carry AIS equipment or only carry a receiver. This should be stated in the title/description. MAP 19: Last sentence changed to 'these data cover the summer months of 2011 and 2012 and represent about 17% of recreational vessels visiting the local marinas.' Clarity.


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