
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

32. Sectoral Policy 7: Ports, harbours and dredging

32.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 2
Fisheries and aquaculture 1
Individual 0
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 3
Recreation 2

32.2 Main themes

32.2.1 One public sector respondent noted that capital and maintenance dredging (and disposal) associated with ports and harbours can have a significant environmental effect and that this should be recognised in this policy. They also noted that there should a review of existing dredge disposal sites is needed to assess their suitability for further disposal of spoil.

32.2.2 A recreational stakeholder noted that local amenities should be kept available for all users and that developers should be responsible for additional harbour developments if necessary rather than taking over traditional harbours and squeezing out small operators and recreational users.

32.2.3 A public sector respondent noted that as marine renewables evolves there may be pressure on existing infrastructure and that this will be addressed as necessary. The respondent commented there is a diverse and complex ports and harbours infrastructure with the PFOW area that includes a wide range of existing facilities to facilitate growth of different sectors.

32.2.4 Scottish Water noted any ports facilities plans should consider their need for provision of public drinking water supply and wastewater treatment.

Table 32.1 Sectoral Policy 7 Ports, harbours and dredging - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
358 Heading of section amended to include dredging. POLICY HEADING AND TEXT BOX: Amended to read: 'SECTORAL POLICY 7: PORTS, HARBOURS AND DREDGING'. To rectify omission.
359 Marinas are mapped as part of this policy, but not included in the wording. It should be made clear that marinas in the PFOW area are all in existing ports and harbours and that the policy therefore applies to them also. PARAGRAPH 446 (now 451): First sentence amended to read 'Ports, harbours, marinas, piers and slipways, (collectively referred to as port and harbours hereafter), provide….'. To accommodate request.
360 Text clarified regarding dredging. PARAGRAPH 446 (now 451): New sentence added at the end 'Dredging and the dumping of the associated spoil may also be required in areas out with ports and harbours'.
PARAGRAPH 447 (now 452): First sentence amended to '…and marine licensing legislation. Marine licences…'.
PARAGRAPH 450 (now 455): Text added to end of sentence 'require a marine licence, as controlled by Marine Scotland'.
To provide more information and greater clarity regarding dredging and to improve grammar and accommodate request.
361 Capital and maintenance dredging (and disposal) associated with ports and harbours can have a significant environmental effect. We suggest this is recognised in Para. 456. PARAGRAPH 456 (now 461): Amended to include new sentence at the start 'Dredging and disposal of material can have a significant environmental effect. For example it can cause loss or damage to habitats and species and exposure of buried archaeological remains'. To provide greater clarity on the potential environmental impacts of dredging and disposal.
362 Future considerations
We suggest that a review of existing dredge disposal sites is needed to assess their suitability for further disposal of spoil, particularly given the likely increase in such disposal if aspirations for port and harbours are to be met. We therefore recommended the following is added to this section:
"Future RMPs should review existing dredge disposal sites to assess their suitability for further disposal of spoil"
None. Dredging and the related spoil are strictly controlled by Marine Scotland and are assessed on a case by case basis.
363 Within bullet 1 it is unclear whether the policy wording is referring to road access or marine access. None. Both road and marine access is required to ensure effective transport integration.
364 The development of ports and harbours has much in common with renewable energy developments and we would therefore expect to see similar policy wording here as is found in SEC 4, especially with regard to:
Reference to local development plans
Consultation with other users (onshore and marine)
Adverse impacts mitigated
None. Paragraph 447 acknowledges the inter-relationship between land use and marine planning.
365 Amend policy to explicitly mention dredging. POLICY TEXT: Additional sentence added at the end of the text: 'Dredging within the PFOW area will be supported by the Plan where:
  • dredged material is recycled or disposed of in appropriate locations.'
To rectify omission regarding dredging.


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