
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Analysis and Modifications Report.

The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is a pilot process undertaken by a working group consisting of Marine Scotland, Orkney Islands Council and Highland Council in advance of statutory regional marine planning. This report presents an

34. Sectoral Policy 9: Marine aggregates

34.1 Summary of responses received

Stakeholder Count
Commercial 0
Fisheries and aquaculture 0
Individual 0
Non-governmental organisation 0
Public sector 4
Recreation 0

34.2 Main themes

34.2.1 Two respondents had no comments to add. The points raised by the remaining two respondents both suggested modifications are so are listed in the table below.

Table 34.1 Sectoral Policy 9 Marine aggregates - Table of suggested modifications

No. Suggested modification Action taken Reason
391 This policy should place a requirement on the aggregate industry to demonstrate they have explored alternatives such as alternative sources, alternative materials (such as recyclate or secondary aggregate) or using dredged material. None. This would be a requirement for any individual proposal and as currently there is no demand for marine aggregate development in the area it is felt the current policy text is appropriate.
392 There is no policy regarding dredging as a separate activity though it may be associated with several policies such as Policy 9 on Marine aggregates, Policy 7 on ports and harbours and Policy 4 renewables. It is noted that there are a number of approved dump sites but it would be useful to have a policy seeking beneficial uses for dredge spoil. Text amended in Sectoral Policy 7. The 'dredging' heading was omitted in error from Sectoral Policy 7; text updated to show more specific dredging information and policy requirements.


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