
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Report

This report outlines the Working Group response to comments received in relation to the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper.

Question 12a. How should the protection and/or enhancement of historic and culture resources (e.g. Scapa Flow wrecks) be considered in the marine spatial plan?

Response Number*

Response Summary

Working Group Response


Marine Biopolymers

I am no expert in this area but they should all be given due consideration in the plan and in the context of any future developments



Pentland Firth Yacht Club

Consistent with our previous comments we believe that such assets should remain protected irrespective of the benefits to new uses. However this does not mean that access to or exploitation of these assets by existing users should not be subject to compromise to allow additional beneficial uses of the region.



Orkney Fisheries Association

The sea is a corrosive and at times violent environment and therefore protection in a terrestrial sense can only be very limited.



Scottish Natural Heritage

We have no comments to offer on this aspect



Scottish Environment Protection Agency

While we appreciate this is an important issue it is not directly within our remit so we have not provided comment.



Pentland Canoe Club

No comments.



Scottish Water

Scottish Water has no comment



Caithness Kayak Club

This a very valid aspect and must be kept in view. Applies equally well to features in Caithness. Once damaged or destroyed we cannot restore our heritage.




The Scapa Flow wrecks are corroding away. In themselves they are probably of very little historic value unlike their story. As wrecks their only value is attraction for the tourist industry, marine growth and fish until they disappear. Any item of importance should be removed and placed on show in the Lyness museum. They are at present only of commercial value and hence should come under the control of OIC. It is this commercial side that needs to be looked at with the possibility of sinking other ships to keep this diving side of tourism functioning.


War graves are classed completely different. You cannot say that they should be preserved as this is not possible but they should be permanently marked.

With other wrecks one needs to determine whether it is the wreck itself that is of value or is it the story and then make a decision on this. It should also be remembered that a wreck in a safe haven cannot be used to prevent anchoring if the needs are their. The protection of the historic and cultural environment is in the written documentation and film if possible.

Noted. In relation to war graves, All military aircraft are automatically designated as Protected Places under the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 (Designation of vessels and controlled sites) Order 2012. Vessels may be designated under this Act either as a Protected Place or as a Controlled Site. Divers may visit a Protected Place on a "look but don't touch" basis. Divers are prohibited from visiting Controlled Sites without a license. This Act is administered by the UK Ministry of Defense ( RAF for aircraft, Navy for vessels). Data on Historic MPAs and other wrecks will also be considered as appropriate.

AP151: The comments will be taken into consideration when drafting the Plan.


Orkney Sustainable Fisheries Ltd.

The sea is a corrosive and at times violent environment and therefore protection in a terrestrial sense can only be very limited.



Royal Yachting Association

This should build on the protection given to Historic MPAs.


Protection for other sites needs to be considered on a case by case basis to minimise adverse effects on other legitimate uses of the waters. Noted.


Orkney Sea Kayak Association

We would like protection of and accessibility to historic and cultural sites to be upheld in the marine spatial plan. Paddlesport is a great way to visit and explore a wide variety of cultural and historic sites, including more remote attractions such as lighthouses, brochs, Martello towers and wartime sites.



Kirkwall Kayak Club

We would like protection of and accessibility to historic and cultural sites to be upheld in the marine spatial plan. Paddlesport is a great way to visit and explore a wide variety of cultural and historic sites, including more remote attractions such as lighthouses, brochs, Martello towers and wartime sites.




See answer to 11a. Scapa flow wrecks are internationally important for sport diving and recognition of this particular importance should be recognised in policy.

It would be useful to clarify what is included as part of culture. It could be argued that sport and recreation forms an integral component of the culture of the area and that as such will be included in the protection of cultural resources. We are not necessarily arguing for this (although there could be advantages to the recreational sector) but clarity is needed on what comprises a cultural resource.

AP152: The safeguarding coastal and marine recreation policy in the Draft Plan, or supporting text, should acknowledge the international importance of the Scapa Flow wrecks for sport and recreational diving.

AP153: A historic environment policy will be developed in the Draft Plan as opposed to a cultural and historic environment policy. Cultural considerations are to a great extent covered under other specific policies e.g. recreation, landscape seascape, commercial fisheries.

AP154: A Quality of Life / Well Being policy section will be developed in the Draft Plan to take account of these issues.


The Crown Estate

See response to question 13.




No comments.



Highland Council

Many of the historic and culture resources are subject of specific statutory requirements for the consideration of any impacts of development proposals upon them. Terrestrial plans ( e.g. LDPs) contain policies which reflect these requirements and it would be appropriate if consideration in the marine spatial plan were consistent with these.

Noted. The statutory requirements addressed in the adjoining LDPs have informed the policy issues identified in the Planning Issues and Options Paper. These will be addressed in detail within the Draft Plan, including policies on integrating marine and coastal development, historic environment and culture.


Scottish Renewables

Spatial information relating to historic protected areas or other designations relating the historic and cultural resources should be included in the plan. Any restrictions imposed by these designations should also be referenced. A guide to dealing with historic and cultural resources in relation to marine energy developments is being prepared for Historic Scotland. This guide should be referenced.


AP156: Review the Historic Scotland guide to dealing with historic and cultural resources in relation to marine energy developments to inform the preparation of the historic environment policy.

Energy developments strive to undertake projects in a manner which is compatible with the appropriate preservation of the historic and cultural environment. Noted.


Scottish Wildlife Trust

No comments.



Scottish Power Renewables

Question 12a, Page 31

These are already covered by current and future legislation. Reference should be made by the Draft Plan to these where appropriate.



Orkney Renewables Energy Forum

The exploitation of renewable marine energy resources is a continuation of mankind's historic relationship with the waters of Orkney and the Pentland Firth.


Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation

In a balanced way.



Orkney Trout Fishing Association

Comments in Question 19 box.



Colin Kirkpatrick

Comments in Question 19 box.



Carol Breckenridge

Stroma should be preserved - as iconic as St.Kilda.

Stroma has one listed building and four Scheduled Monuments. It has existing statutory protection for particular historic assets which will be addressed under the historic environment policy. There is no existing Conservation Area for Stroma.


Highlands and Islands Enterprise

HIE believe the protection and/or enhancement of historic and culture resources should be included in the plan. It is important that as energy develops the historic and cultural environment around it should be preserved and adhered to as much as possible.



Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd.

Comments in Question 19 box.



Scottish Fishermen's Association

The MSP should take note of all previous designations of historical significance, which in general will also now be translated into designation under the Marine (Scotland) 2010 Act.


This protection is important and should receive its due place in the process. [Comment in relation to 12b]


*Responses number 3 and 31 were in relation to the draft Environmental Report and are not included here. Response number 11 cannot be made public as a Respondent Information Form was not received and number 18 was from an individual that did not give permission to make their response public.


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