
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Report

This report outlines the Working Group response to comments received in relation to the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.1.1 A pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan is currently being developed by a Working Group consisting of Marine Scotland, the Highland Council and Orkney Islands Council. A Plan Scheme was published in November 2012 and this outlined the process of developing the marine spatial plan and indicated when there would be an opportunity for public consultation.

1.1.2 A National Marine Plan is currently being prepared and will provide a planning framework to manage the competing demands for the use of the sea whilst protecting the marine environment. The National Marine Plan outlines the requirement for regional marine plans to be developed across Scotland and this pilot marine spatial plan will provide the basis for the future development of Regional Marine Plans.

1.1.3 The Working Group prepared two documents, a Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper and a draft Environmental Report. These two documents were published on the Scottish Government website on 17 June 2013 with responses to the consultation requested by 26 July 2013.

1.1.4 A Consultation Analysis was published in November 2013 and outlined the findings of the formal written comments sent in response to the consultation papers and an analysis of the findings of workshops and drop in sessions held in Kirkwall and Thurso during July 2013. The workshops and drop in sessions were organised in collaboration with researchers from the International Centre for Island Technology ( ICIT) at Heriot Watt University who are working on a European Union funded project based on marine spatial planning.

1.1.5 There were 30 formal written responses received in relation to the Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper and 6 in response to the draft Environmental Report. The workshops were attended by 34 participants in Kirkwall and 38 in Thurso and the evening drop in sessions were attended by approximately 24 and 30 people in Kirkwall and Thurso respectively.

1.2 Report Structure

1.2.1 This Consultation Report document outlines how the Working Group will take into account the findings of the consultation during the drafting of the Marine Spatial Plan and has been prepared using a combination of the methods used by Marine Scotland and the two local authorities for responding to consultations.

1.2.2 This Consultation Report deals with the responses received in relation to the Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper only as the responses in relation to the draft Environmental Report will be dealt with separately during the drafting of the final Environmental Report.

1.2.3 This document gives a brief summary of the main findings and outlines how these will be taken into account. This text is supported by a detailed annex that provides specific information against each comment received from the formal responses. The table in the annex provides a series of action points that will be used to inform the drafting of the Marine Spatial Plan.

1.2.4 This Consultation Report will be divided into the following sections:

  • Section 1 (this section) provides an introduction to the report and background to the consultation documents,
  • Section 2 provides a summary of the main findings of the Consultation Analysis and outlines how these will be taken into account,
  • Annex 1 is a table the displays all the comments received and the response of the Working Group and outlines any actions that will be taken.

1.3 Report Availability and Distribution

1.3.1 This report has been compiled in line with Scottish Government and Local Authority best practice and has been made available to maximise the transparency of the decision making process.

1.3.2 The report will be made available on the Scottish Government consultations website and the pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan website.

1.4 Ongoing Consultation

1.4.1 Many of the formal responses to the consultation included an offer or request for further input into the process of drafting the Marine Spatial Plan.

1.4.2 The Working Group intend to have ongoing consultation with a wide range of stakeholders during the drafting process and will also continue to provide occasional updates via the stakeholder distribution list.

1.4.3 There is also an e-mailbox to which any queries can be sent:


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