
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Consultation Report

This report outlines the Working Group response to comments received in relation to the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper.

2. Summary of the Main Findings

2.1 Key Findings of Consultation Analysis

2.1.1 Detailed comments were provided to the consultation and there was wide ranging discussion of a variety of issues at the workshops and drop in sessions. The Consultation Analysis provides a summary of the points in relation to each of the questions contained within the consultation documents and the key findings are summarised below (in no order of priority):

  • A clear vision and objectives for the Plan.
  • Clear and consistent use of terminology and definitions and links to relevant Scottish Government work, plans and other relevant information.
  • A very clear need for on-going consultation with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Clarity regarding what information will be used for the evidence base to inform the Plan.
  • Respondents provided detailed comments in relation to the proposed policies.
  • The need for a balanced and sustainable approach to planning.
  • The Plan area should be based on the proposed Scottish Marine Regions Orkney and North Coast regions.
  • The need for integration of marine and terrestrial planning.
  • The need to ensure that existing legislation is taken account of and that the policies do not add unnecessary extra requirements.
  • The need for an overarching spatial policy for the Plan.

2.2 Considerations for Draft Marine Spatial Plan

2.2.1 The Working Group will take into consideration the comments that have been received when drafting the Marine Spatial Plan and will also have ongoing consultation with a range of stakeholders during this process.

2.2.2 Annex 1 contains the action to be taken by the Working Group in relation to the detailed comments and a short summary will be given below of the main issues that the Working Group will consider when drafting the Marine Spatial Plan.

2.3 Clarity of text

2.3.1 The Working Group will ensure that the draft Plan uses terminology and definitions consistently, both within the text and also in relation to other Scottish Government documents. The links between the different Scottish Government documents and plans will be made clear in the draft Plan.

2.3.2 The draft Plan will also ensure that the vision and objectives are clear and that the baseline information used to inform the draft Plan is referenced within the text.

2.3.3 The Working Group will also ensure that the document is as concise as is possible whilst ensuring enough information is provided for clarity and transparency.

2.4 Consistency with current legislation

2.5 Area of the Marine Spatial Plan

2.5.1 The area that will be used for the Marine Spatial Plan will be based on the proposed Scottish Marine Regions for Orkney and the North Coast. The majority of the formal responses and feedback from the workshops supported alignment of the boundary of the draft Plan with the proposed Scottish Marine Regions.

2.5.2 The Working Group will consider how to take into account other Scottish Government plans such as the National Marine Plan and the Sectoral Plans for Wind, Wave and Tidal energy.

2.6 Integration between Marine and Terrestrial Planning

2.6.1 The Working Group has representatives from Marine Scotland, Highland Council and Orkney Islands Council to ensure that an integrated approach between terrestrial and marine planning systems can be achieved. The Marine Planning Partnerships will, once in place, be the decision making body that will ensure there is integration between terrestrial and marine planning systems in the Regional Marine Plans.

2.6.2 The Working Group will ensure that concerns regarding integration between the two planning systems are taken into account during the drafting of the text.

2.7 Vision, Aims, Objectives and Spatial Strategy

2.7.1 The Draft Plan will clearly outline the Vision, Aims and Objectives of the Draft Plan taking into account the comments received regarding sustainable development and also the cultural and social wellbeing of the local community.

2.7.2 This will be clearly linked to the overall Spatial Strategy and will include e.g. an indicative map showing key sensivities, linkages and opportunities. The Working Group are considering the most effective method by which to include spatial data in the Draft Plan while also taking into account these data will need to be updated on a regular basis.

2.7.3 The Working Group are also considering methods by which to ensure the validity and quality of the information used to inform the baseline data and these will be outlined in the Draft Plan.

2.8 Policies within the Draft Plan

2.8.1 The Working Group has taken into account the comments received and has refined the list of policies contained within the Draft Plan. This has included re-ordering the policies to be consistent with the National Marine Plan.

2.8.2 The proposed draft General Policies will be:

GEN 1 : Sustainable development

GEN 2 : Supporting sustainable economic benefits

GEN 3 : The well-being and quality of life for coastal communities

GEN 4 : Safeguarding the natural environment

GEN 5 : Climate change

GEN 6 : Water environment

GEN 7 : Integrating coastal and marine development

GEN 8 : Nature conservation designations

GEN 9 : Protected species

GEN 10 : Wider biodiversity and geodiversity

GEN 11 : Invasive non-native species

GEN 12 : Landscape and seascape

GEN 13 : Historic environment

GEN 14 : Coastal processes and flooding

GEN 15 : Noise

GEN 16 : Waste management and marine litter

GEN 17 : Hazardous development and HSE Consultation Zones

GEN 18 : Defence

2.8.3 The proposed draft Sectoral Policies will be:

SEC 1 Commercial fisheries

  • Safeguarding commercial fishing opportunities

SEC 2 Aquaculture

  • Aquaculture (including seaweed cultivation and harvesting)

SEC 3 Oil and gas

  • Safeguarding existing oil and gas infrastructure
  • Oil and gas exploration and development

SEC 4 Renewable energy

  • Marine renewable energy - Offshore wind, wave and tidal

SEC 5 Recreation, leisure and tourism

  • Safeguarding coastal and marine recreation (activities, facilities and amenity
  • Recreation, leisure and tourism developments

SEC 6 Marine transport

  • Operation and safety of shipping and navigation
  • Safeguarding ferry services

SEC 7 Ports and Harbours

  • Safeguarding existing ports and harbours
  • Port and harbour development and infrastructure
  • Dredging and disposal

SEC 8 Electricity and telecommunications infrastructure

  • Safeguarding existing pipelines, electricity and telecommunication cables
  • Electricity and telecommunications infrastructure

SEC 9 Marine aggregates

  • Safeguarding marine aggregates resources
  • Marine aggregates extraction

SEC 10 Coastal protection and flood defence

  • Coastal protection and flood defence infrastructure

2.8.4 The Working Group intend to have ongoing dialogue to ensure the drafting of the policies takes into account the views and expertise of the relevant stakeholders.

2.9 Actions for the Working Group

2.9.1 Annex 1 contains a table that includes all the comments for which there was permission to make publicly available. Against each of the comments made the Working Group have listed the action that will be undertaken during the drafting of the Plan.


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