
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Regional Locational Guidance.

PFOW MSP Regional Locational Guidance. This Regional Locational Guidance has been produced to assist developers in the wind, wave and tidal renewable energy industry to choose sites of maximum opportunity and minimum constraint.

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Plan Options for wind, wave and tidal developments in the PFOW

Figure 2: Agreement for lease sites for wave and tidal energy developments in the PFOW area

Figure 3: Mean annual wind speed (ms -1) in the PFOW area

Figure 4: Mean annual significant wave height (m) in the PFOW area

Figure 5: Mean annual wave power density (kWatt m -1) in the PFOW area

Figure 6: Mean annual peak spring flow (ms ‑1) in the PFOW area

Figure 7: Aquaculture farms and Shellfish Water Protected Areas in the PFOW area

Figure 8: Aviation in the PFOW area

Figure 9: Bathymetry of the PFOW area

Figure 10: Seabed sediment types in the PFOW area

Figure 12: Predicted energy in submerged environment in the PFOW area

Figure 13: Cultural heritage interests in the PFOW area

Figure 14: Military practice activities in the PFOW area

Figure 15: Marine natural designations in the PFOW area

Figure 17: Cetacean encounters per hour in the PFOW area

Figure 18: Grey seal sea usage in the PFOW area

Figure 19: Harbour seal sea usage in the PFOW area

Figure 20: Basking shark sightings

Figure 22: Seabird vulnerability index to collision with offshore wind devices during the winter season in the PFOW area

Figure 23: Seabird vulnerability index to displacement due to offshore wind turbines during the breeding season in the PFOW area

Figure 24: Seabird vulnerability index to displacement due to offshore wind turbines during the winter season in the PFOW area

Figure 25: Seabird vulnerability index to collision with wave devices during the breeding season in the PFOW area

Figure 26: Seabird vulnerability index to collision with wave devices during the winter season in the PFOW area

Figure 27: Seabird vulnerability index to collision with tidal devices during the breeding season in the PFOW area

Figure 28: Seabird vulnerability index to collision with tidal devices during the winter season in the PFOW area

Figure 29: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the PFOW crab fishery

Figure 30: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the demersal (whitefish) fishery around the PFOW area

Figure 31: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the herring fishery around the PFOW area

Figure 32: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the mackerel fishery around the PFOW area

Figure 33: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the scallop fishery around the PFOW area

Figure 34: Fishing intensity (VMS) for the nephrops mobile fishery around the PFOW area

Figure 36: Scotmap, number of crew working in fishing from vessels smaller than 15 m length in PFOW

Figure 37: Scotmap, relative value of fishing vessels smaller than 15 m length in PFOW

Figure 38: Scotmap, number of fishing vessels smaller than 15 m length in PFOW

Figure 39: Fresh water fishery activities in the PFOW area

Figure 40: Landscape designations in the PFOW area

Figure 41: Landscape characteristic types in the PFOW area

Figure 42: Sediment resources in the PFOW area

Figure 43: Existing subsea cables and substations in the PFOW area

Figure 44: Oil and Gas industry features in the PFOW area

Figure 45: Sea-based recreation in the PFOW area

Figure 46: Density of recreational vessels in PFOW

Figure 47: Location and extent of recreational sailing in the PFOW area

Figure 48: Mean shipping density in winter and summer in the PFOW area


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