
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan. Strategic Environmental Assessment Post-Adoption Statement.

Strategic Environmental Assessment Post-Adoption Statement.


AA Appropriate Assessment
BRIA Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment
CCS Carbon Capture Storage
dSPA Draft Special Protection Area
EC European Commission
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EQIA Equalities Impact Assessment
EU European Union
FISA Fisheries Industry Science Alliance
FLOWW Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables
Framework Plan Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan Framework Plan
HES Historic Environment Scotland
HRA Habitats Regulations Appraisal
JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee
LDP Local Development Plan
LNCS Local Nature Conservation Site
LSE Likely Significant Effects
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NMP National Marine Plan
NMPi National Marine Plan Interactive
NPF3 National Planning Framework 3
ORJIP Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme
PFOW Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters
Pilot Plan Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan
PIOP Planning Issues and Options Consultation Paper
PPS Plans, Programmes and Strategies
pSPA Proposed Special Protection Area
RLG Regional Locational Guidance
SA Sustainability Appraisal
SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SIMD Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation
SNH Scottish Natural Heritage
SPA Special Protection Area
SpORRAn Scottish Offshore Renewables Research Framework
SPP Scottish Planning Policy
TCE The Crown Estate
The 2005 Act The Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005
The 2010 Act The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010.


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