
Pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan - Sustainability Appraisal

This report summarises the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal undertaken on the draft pilot Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan incorporating a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) required under Directive 2001/42/EC and the Env

11 Next steps

11.1 Consultation Timescales

11.1.1 Public views and comments are invited on both this Sustainability Appraisal and the draft policies outlined in the Draft Marine Spatial Plan to which it relates.

11.1.2 Comments should be made to the following address:
Tracy McCollin
Marine Laboratory
375 Victoria Road
Aberdeen AB11 9DB
E-mail –
Telephone – 0122 429 5573

11.2 Questions for Consultees

11.2.1 Consultees may find the following questions helpful to provide a focus for their responses on the Sustainability Appraisal Report.

11.2.2 Please note that responses do not need to be confined to these questions, and more general comments on the Sustainability Appraisal Report, Socio-economic Baseline Report, RLG and the draft Pilot Plan are also invited.

Consultation Questions on the Sustainability Appraisal:

1. To what extent does the Sustainability Appraisal set out an accurate description of the current baseline, including that in the separate Socioeconomic Baseline Report (Please give details of additional relevant sources)?

2. Do you agree with the predicted socio-economic and environmental effects as set out in the Sustainability Appraisal?

3. Do you agree with the recommendations and proposals for mitigation of the socio-economic and environmental effects set out in the Sustainability Appraisal?

4. Are you aware of any further information that will help to inform the findings of the assessment (Please give details of additional relevant sources)?

5. Are you aware of other 'reasonable alternatives' to the proposed policies that should be considered as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment process conducted for the draft Pilot Plan?

11.3 Analysis and Use of Responses

11.3.1 Following the conclusion of the consultation period, the responses received on both the draft Pilot Plan and its supporting documents will be analysed and reported. Key messages from respondents, including those of the various stakeholder groups, will be highlighted and the findings of the analysis will be taken into account in the preparation of the final Pilot Plan anticipated for publication in early 2016.

11.3.2 Upon adoption of the Pilot Plan, a Post-adoption SEA Statement will be prepared. This Statement will reflect on the findings of the SEA assessment and the views expressed in the consultation, and outline how the issues raised have been considered in the finalisation of the Pilot Plan.


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