
Places, people and planning: update on proposal 20

Update on actions relation to Proposal 20: Innovation, future-proofing and the digital transformation of the planning.

Proposal 20: Innovation, future-proofing and the digital transformation of the planning

There are many opportunities to make planning work better through the use of information technology.

Why we are making a change

Planning as a public service is changing. Technology is transforming the way we work and live and the buildings we work and live in. Building on the success of earlier ePlanning and eBuildingStandards portals, the next generation of the Digital Planning will continue to pioneer the digital transformation of public services.

What we are doing

A Digital Taskforce of technology innovators and planning professionals has been commissioned to create a strategy for a world-leading digital planning service in Scotland, which is based on the needs of users, and makes best use of data and technology.

How we will deliver change

  • Primary legislation – no
  • Secondary Legislation – regulations may in due course be amended to reflect new approaches to applications, notification, publishing of documents etc
  • Guidance – yes
  • Non legislative action – yes

Next steps

Bringing together the thoughts and experiences of those who will help shape, influence and use the planning system, stakeholder and community engagement is helping inform the challenges being considered. Having met in August and October 2017, the Digital Taskforce, chaired by the Minister for Local Government and Housing, aims to deliver their strategy by Autumn 2018.



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Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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