Places, people and planning: update on proposal 5

Update on actions relation to proposal 5: Making plans that deliver.

Proposal 5: Making plans that deliver

We believe that the commitment that comes from allocating land in the plan can be strengthened through the improved use of delivery programmes to help ensure that planned development happens on the ground.

Why we are making a change

The commitment to a plan led system needs to be accompanied by some confidence that sites that have been allocated for development will be brought forward and developed. Where site allocations are not being delivered over time, infrastructure providers face uncertainty and pressure can increase for sites to be de-allocated in favour of more effective land allocations.

What we are doing

  • We propose rebranding and strengthening local development plan action programmes to form delivery programmes with greater corporate buy-in.
  • We maintain our view that there should be enhanced engagement where a site that has not been allocated in a development plan is brought forward as an application and will consider this in secondary legislation.
  • We will develop more specific proposals for adjusting pre-application consultation requirements which are more proportionate for allocated sites.

How we will deliver change

  • primary legislation – the Planning Bill changes action programmes to delivery programmes and requires corporate approval
  • secondary legislation – existing regulations on action programmes will be revised or replaced. Regulations on pre-application consultation will be reviewed
  • guidance – yes
  • non-legislative action – sharing of exemplar findings

Next steps

  • We will continue to liaise with planning authorities on innovation and good practice.
  • Research: We are exploring what information should be provided to planning authorities to assist their understanding of site deliverability, prior to allocation in a plan.



Telephone: 0131 244 7059

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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