
Places, people and planning: update on proposal 7

Update on actions relation to proposal 7: making plans that deliver.

Proposal 7. Getting more people involved in planning.

We would like to introduce measures that enable wider engagement in the development plan, including with children and young people, so that people have a stronger voice in decisions about the future of their places.

Why we are making a change

We believe that local authorities and organisations, including community councils, can do more to make sure that a broader cross-section of society takes on the challenge of active citizenship and gets involved in planning.

What we are doing

  • Research - Barriers to engagement and the role of community councils in planning
  • We are considering how we can take forward the recommendations arising from the research, including steps needed to achieve a real shift away from consultation towards more meaningful community empowerment within the planning system.
  • Rather than introduce a statutory requirement prioritising enhanced engagement for one set of people over another, we believe that more can be done to actively promote examples of good practice in engaging with children and young people as well as other groups..
  • We expect to make targeted changes to consultation requirements, including ensuring that more children and young people are involved in planning.

How we will deliver change

  • primary legislation – no
  • secondary Legislation – regulations on the preparation of local development plans will be revised to require enhanced engagement
  • guidance – yes
  • non legislative action – yes



Telephone: 0131 244 7059

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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