
Planning Advice Note 1/2011: planning and noise

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 1/2011 provides guidance on how the planning system helps to prevent and limit the adverse effects of noise.

Development Planning

11. By guiding development to the right locations and where necessary, specifying design and layout issues, planning authorities can help to prevent and minimise the consequences of noise. Development plans have an important role to play in helping to limit the overall number of people exposed to the potential adverse effects of noise. Developments which are likely to generate a significant level of noise do not generally make good neighbours with noise sensitive land uses such as housing, hospitals, educational establishments, offices, places of worship and nursing homes and some livestock farms. Development plans can, where relevant, indicate the range of uses which are likely to be permitted in an area affected by existing or potentially high levels of noise, including NMAs, as well as the noise mitigation measures the planning authority will expect to be applied to new development. Planning authorities may also discourage noisy development in areas that are been relatively undisturbed by noise.

12. The following issues may be relevant when considering noise issues during the preparation of a development plan:

  • Avoidance of significant adverse noise impacts from new developments,
  • Applying noise impact criteria reasonably,
  • Use of mitigation measures to manage noise impacts,
  • Protection of Quiet Areas, and
  • Avoidance of development significantly adversely affecting Noise Management Areas.

13. The effects of noise can impact on other issues which may be considered within the strategic environmental assessment ( SEA) of a strategic or local development plan and/or supplementary guidance ( e.g. population, human health, biodiversity and fauna). Potential mitigation measures can be included in the environmental report.


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