Planning Advice Note 1/2013: Environmental Impact Assessment
Guidance on the integration of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures into the overall development management process (replaces PAN 58).
The following are explanations of terms used in the PAN, not definitions.
Additional information |
Supplementary information which the planning authority may require the applicant to submit in connection with a previously submitted EIA Report; any other information of a substantive nature relating to the EIA Report, which the applicant has submitted voluntarily. |
Appropriate Assessment |
A planning authority's assessment of the implications of a proposed project for any European Site. Where required, the appropriate assessment will be undertaken as part of a 'Habitats Regulations Appraisal'. |
Consultation Bodies |
The consultation bodies are: - any adjoining planning authority, where the development is likely to affect land in their area;
EIA Report |
A document or documents which sets out the developer's assessment of the likely effects of the project on the environment, including mitigation measures, and which is submitted in conjunction with an application for planning permission. |
Environmental Impact Assessment |
A process which identifies the environmental effects (both negative and positive) of development proposals. |
Habitats Regulations Appraisal |
A term used to describe certain appraisal procedures required under The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994, as amended. The term is often used to encompass the decision on whether a proposed project should be subject to appraisal; the 'screening' process for determining whether an appropriate assessment is required, and any 'appropriate assessment' subsequently undertaken. |
Multi-regime Consents |
Certain projects may require more than one consent which must be subject to EIA ('multi-regime consents'). For example, offshore projects with associated on-shore infrastructure may require both planning permission and a marine license. |
Negative Screening Opinion |
A screening opinion issued to the effect that EIA is not required. |
Non-Technical Summary |
A short, summary document setting out the main findings of the EIA Report in accessible, plain English. |
Rochdale Envelope |
An approach to environmental assessment which aims to take account of the need for flexibility in the future evolution of the detailed project proposal. The approach is named after two court rulings concerning outline planning applications for a proposed business park in Rochdale. |
Schedule 1 Development |
Development of a description mentioned in Schedule 1 of the EIA Regulations which always requires EIA. |
Schedule 2 Development |
Development of a type listed in schedule 2 to the EIA Regulations which; a) meets any relevant criteria and exceeds any relevant thresholds in the second column of schedule 2; or b) is located wholly or in part in a 'sensitive area' as defined by the EIA regulations. Schedule 2 development requires case by case screening to determine whether an EIA is required. |
Screening Opinion |
The planning authority's formal determination of whether or not EIA is required for a 'schedule 2 development'. |
Scoping Opinion |
The planning authority's formal opinion on the information to be supplied in the EIA Report. |
Strategic Environmental Assessment |
An iterative process, which offers greater protection to the environment by identifying the likely significant environmental effects (both negative and positive) of public plans, programmes, and strategies, during their preparation. |
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