
Planning Advice Note 1/2013: Environmental Impact Assessment

Guidance on the integration of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures into the overall development management process (replaces PAN 58).


This version ISBN 978-1-78256-846-9 is current as at 16 June 2017.

Revisions Table



First Published

August 30, 2013

First published

Revision 1.0

May 2017

As per changes 1.1 - 1.12 below

Revision 1 Changes

Change 1.1

The text throughout the PAN has been amended to reflect new terminology within the 2017 Regulations, Environmental Statement ( ES) has been replaced by Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA) Report.

Change 1.2

Text altered to reflect the new EIA Regulations

Change 1.3

Paragraph 4.1, Figure 1 - text in the box 'Review and Evaluation' amended to reflect the new requirements in the EIA Regulations for planning authorities to reach a view on likely effects.

Change 1.4

Paragraph 4.3 - Second last sentence, added text to highlight that there is new procedural requirements when granting a multi-stage consent.

Change 1.5

Paragraph 4.7 - Reworded text to reflect the consideration of reasonable alternatives by a developer within the 2017 Regulations

Change 1.6

Paragraph 4.9 - Step 2 - added text in final paragraph to reflect the onus is now on the developer to provide the relevant environmental information.

Change 1.7

Paragraph 4.10 - removed bullet points at end of the paragraph and added text to add clarity about sources of relevant environmental information.

Change 1.8

Paragraph 4.23 - last sentence altered to emphasise the requirement for a planning authority to reach a conclusion on the likely magnitude of the environmental effects prior to determination.

Change 1.9

4.27 - minor text alteration to reflect terminology within the 2017 Regulations regarding planning authorities judgement on likely environmental effects.

Change 1.10

Paragraph 4.31A - Added paragraph to reflect the new monitoring requirements around mitigation.

Change 1.11

Paragraph 6.1 - Added text to outline the need to ensure that, where relevant, EIA and HRA requirements are coordinated.

Change 1.12

Paragraph 7.1 - contact details amended

The document as originally published can be accessed at:


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