
Planning Advice Note 1/2013: Environmental Impact Assessment

Guidance on the integration of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures into the overall development management process (replaces PAN 58).

1. Introduction

1.1 Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA) is a process which identifies the environmental effects (both negative and positive) of development proposals. It aims to avoid, reduce, and offset any adverse impacts.

1.2 This PAN explains the role of individual planning authorities and that of the Consultation Bodies in EIA, as well as providing guidance on the ways in which EIA can be integrated into the overall development management process. It is also intended as a point of reference for developers and their consultants - who prepare the EIA Report on behalf of their client - on the role they too have to play in working toward the Scottish Government's aim of more efficient and effective EIA. This PAN does not however provide any detailed technical guidance on how to undertake an environmental assessment, other than to set out what planning authorities and the Consultation Bodies will expect to see in an EIA Report which is both proportionate and 'fit for purpose'.

1.3 This PAN concerns EIAs undertaken within the Planning EIA regime, as required by The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Scotland) Regulations 2017 [1] ('the EIA Regulations'). Separate guidance is available in connection with other Scottish EIA regimes, for example in relation to Marine Licensing Procedures, or Energy Consents.


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