
Planning Advice Note 3/2010: community engagement

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 3/2010 on community engagement.


91. Queries on the PAN and requests for additional copies, or for material in large print, other formats or community languages should be addressed to Graham Robinson on 0131 244 7063 or email

The Scottish Government

  • Directorate for the Built Environment, can provide information on legislation and national planning policy in Scotland.
  • Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals, can provide information on appeals to Ministers.

Other Bodies

  • Planning Authorities, usually based within your local authority, can advise people on enquiries relating to a local planning issue, the development plan or an individual planning application. (See local telephone directory or websites for contact details)
  • Planning Aid for Scotland is an independent charity which helps people engage in the planning system. It provides free, impartial advice on planning for individuals and community groups.. Planning Aid for Scotland provides a range of information and briefing papers, some in other languages, as well as visual material on many aspects of the planning system. Its material is written with the lay person in mind and provides an explanation of technical terms and descriptions of the various planning processes.
  • The Scottish Mediation Network can advise on the use of independent mediation and consensus building techniques and on the appointment of mediators and facilitators.
  • The Environmental Law Foundation ( ELF) is a national UK charity that helps people use the law to protect and improve their local environment and quality of life. Through a network of specialist lawyers and consultants, it provide free guidance and support to those in need of assistance, providing a voice for communities and individuals. It also provides education and training, promotes lectures, conferences and seminars, produces publications and encourages policy development.
  • The Environmental Law Centre Scotland ( ELCS) is a charitable law centre providing legal advice, advocacy, training, updates and research covering a full range of planning and environmental law issues. It helps community groups, individuals and the voluntary sector to participate in and, where necessary, challenge the planning and decision-making processes across Scotland.
  • The Royal Town Planning Institute ( RTPI) is a chartered professional body and registered charity and works to promote good planning, shape policy affecting the built environment, raises the standards of the planning profession, supports members through continued professional development, and provides education and training for future planners.
  • The Scottish Disability Equality Forum is the umbrella body for most access panels in Scotland. Access Panels, the membership of which usually includes people with mobility, hearing and visual impairments, offer their knowledge and experience to improve access to the built environment and information which affects it.



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