
Planning Advice Note 80: control and management of fly-posting

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 80 provides advice on how local authorities can effectively control and manage illegal poster advertising (flyposting) in urban and rural areas.


  1. Outdoor Advertising Association of Great Britain
  2. Advertising Association
  3. Environmental Campaigns ( ENCAMS) charity
  4. Charity improving the quality of local environments in Scotland
  5. Local Environmental Quality Survey of England 2003/ 2004, ENCAMS
  6. Local Environmental Audit and Management System Annual Report 2004/ 2005, ENCAMS
  7. Fly-posting Consultation Workshops, Ironside Farrar Ltd, 2006
  8. Keep Britain Tidy Campaign, ENCAMS
  9. PAN 59: Improving Town Centres
  10. Association of Town Centre Managment Policy Summary: Fly-Posting and Graffiti, 2003


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