Planning Advice Note 43: golf courses and associated developments

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 43 identifies the planning issues associated with golf courses and related development.

annex 1 select bibliography

Beenstock S;
Going wild; Turf Management; Feb 1992.

Brennan A-M Dr;
Do golf courses pollute the environment?; Golf Enterprise Europe; May/Jun 1992, 2 (2).

British Institute of Golf Course Architects;
The positive face of golf course development; Positive Face of Golf Development Seminar, London, 11 March 1992, BIGCA, 1992.

Deadman C;
Building a case for finance; Golf Enterprise Europe, 19911(4).

Eastern Council for Sport and Recreation;
The Future of Golf, A Regional Strategy for Sport and Recreation 1988-1993,1991.

Edrich R;
Profitable Public Courses; Leisure Management, August 1991.

Essex Planning Officers Association;
The Essex Golf Report; Report of the Golf Course Working Party, 1990.

The Whole in One, Golf Course Environments for the Future, record of one day seminar by Gillespies at Risley Conference Centre, 22 February 1991.

Golf complexes have proved that they are here to stay as a leisure fixture; Leisure Business, August 1988.

Greens of Scotland (compilers);
The Potential for the Development of Low Cost Golf Facilities in Fife, A Study Commissioned by the North West Fife Rural Initiative, no date.

Hegarty C;
Course fishing; Leisure Week, 21 Feb 1992, 2 (22).

Hegarty C; Golf Research Group;
Financing golf course construction; Golf Enterprise Europe, 1991,1(4).

Jaffa G;
New golf courses and the environment; Parks and Sports Grounds, January 1991, 56(4).

Jenkins R O J;
Golf course developments in the UK, Sunningdale Publications, 1991

Mackenzie T;
Crazy Golf; Landscape Design, September 1990.

Marnoch S;
Remodelling existing golf courses; Golf Enterprise Europe, Oct 1992, 2 (4).

Murdoch J; Marsden T;
A fair way to plan? Assessing the golf course boom; Planner, 4 Sept 1992, 78 (16).

Nature Conservancy Council;
On Course Conservation - Managing Golf's Natural Heritage, 1989.

Neale J;
In the Rough? Golf Courses and Landscape Parks, A Report for the Georgian Group, the
Garden History Society and the Association of Garden Trusts, no date.

Pierson M;
Dodging the hazards on course; Turf Management, Aug 1992.

Price R;
The Environmental Impact of Golf Related Developments in Scotland, Department of
Geography, University of Glasgow, no date.

Price R;
Pay and play golf courses. The Scottish Example; Golf Enterprise Europe, Nov 1992, 2(5).

Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews Development Panel; The Demand for Golf; 1990.

Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews Greenkeeping Panel;

The Way Forward; Discussion Document of British Golf Course Management, 1989.

Save Britain's Heritage;
Scotland's Endangered Houses, 1990.

Scottish Development Department;
Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas, 1988.

Scottish Development Department/Countryside Commission; Inventory of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, 1988.

Scottish Natural Heritage;
Golf's Natural Heritage, 1993.

Snape C;
The rough and the smooth; Leisure Management, Dec 1990,10(12).

Scottish Sports Council;
Sport 2000; A Strategic Approach to the Development of Sport in Scotland, 1989.

Scottish Sports Council;
Golf in Scotland: Developing Local Provision, Information Digest FP5, 1991.

Scottish Sports Council;
Study of Golf in Scotland, Research Report No 19, Cobham Resource Consultants in
Association with System Three Scotland for the Scottish Sports Council, 1991.

Tiffin R;
The golf development matrix; Planner, 4 Sept 1992, 78 (16).

Watson G;
Euro Golf; Leisure Management, Oct 1992,12 (10).

Watson N; Van der Lee K;
The case for local nature reserves; Golf Enterprise Europe, Aug 1992, 2 (3).


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