
Planning Advice Note 64: reclamation of surface mineral workings

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 64 provides advice to help planning authorities and operators improve the reclamation of surface mineral workings.

PAN 64: Reclamation of Surface Mineral Workings


It is good practice to include the following information:

  • An Ordnance Survey plan of the area indicating:
    • the outer boundaries of the area to be excavated;
    • the outer boundaries of the total site so that the areas allocated for topsoil, subsoil, soil-forming material and overburden storage can be identified;
    • existing land uses, vegetation, levels and gradients;
    • details of existing paths and tracks;
    • existing features on site such as field boundaries, stone walls and hedges; and
    • details of any existing topsoil or subsoil heaps that may be used in restoration, including position, types and qualities available.
  • Details of the type and depth of proposed workings and volumes of material to be removed. If the mineral operator has drilled the site during routine site evaluation then any data obtained can be offered, especially with relation to watertable level, soil-forming materials which would be useful in restoration and depth and nature of topsoils, subsoils and overburden.
  • A plan of the type of reclamation proposed including:
    • projected plan of contours and final levels of the site, together with information about replacement depths for soil-forming materials, subsoil and topsoil in the form of target restoration profiles (3 dimensional plans are helpful);
    • afteruses for the site;
    • the phasing and timescale of the working, restoration and aftercare;
    • the methods of filling where appropriate, types of fill and materials proposed;
    • the methods of stripping, transporting and restoring soils; including where appropriate schemes for retrieving and utilising soil-forming materials and for dealing with different soil types and machine movement;
    • proposed outfalls for drainage of the restored land;
    • proposed access roads to restored land, fencing and water supply; and
    • for sites taking controlled wastes, details of proposed pollution control measures.
  • Any air or ground photographic evidence that might be available for the area (not essential but helpful if available).
  • Details of existing land uses/land cover.
  • Where restoration will not take place for several years, the mineral operator should submit a summary of the principal items that they propose to include in an aftercare scheme, to be agreed at a later date.
  • Details of proposals for nature heritage enhancement indicating how they fit with local biodiversity action plans.
  • Details of proposals for recreation and access facilities, including paths and tracks.



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