Planning Advice Note 64: reclamation of surface mineral workings

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 64 provides advice to help planning authorities and operators improve the reclamation of surface mineral workings.

PAN 64: Reclamation of Surface Mineral Workings


Department of Environment (1994), Report of the Working Group on Peat Extraction and Related Matters.

Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) (2000), Effectiveness of Provisions for the Aftercare of Mineral Workings.

Dobson & Moffat (1993), The Potential for Woodland Establishment on Landfill Sites.

Environmental Consultancy University of Sheffield (ECUS) (2002), Reclamation of Limestone Quarries by Landform Simulation - Full Report and Appendices on Monitoring of Trial Sites.

ECUS and Richards Moorehead & Laing Ltd (1994), The Reclamation and Management of Metalliferous Mining Sites.

Land Use Consultants (1992), Amenity Reclamation of Mineral Workings.

Land Use Consultants and Wardell Armstrong (1996), Reclamation of Damaged Land for Nature Conservation.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1993), Code of Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Soil.

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Nature Conservancy Council (1990/1991), Earth Science Conservation in Great Britain: a strategy, Appendices: A Handbook of Earth Science Conservation Techniques.

Richards Moorhead & Laing Ltd (1995), Slate waste tips and workings in Britain.

Richards Moorhead & Laing Ltd (1996), Restoration and Revegetation of Colliery Spoil Tips and Lagoons.

RPS/Clouston and Wye College (1996), Guidance on Good Practice for the Reclamation of Minerals Working to Agriculture.

RSPB/SNH (2000), Biodiversity and Opencast Coal Mining: A Good Practice Guide.

SNH, Scottish Enterprise and Paths for All Partnership (2001), Lowland Path Construction - A Guide to Good Practice.

SNH (2000), Minerals and the Natural Heritage in Scotland's Midland Valley.

Symonds Travers Morgans (1998), Reducing the Effects of Surface Mineral Workings on the Water Environment.

Wardell Armstrong (1993), Non-ferrous Metalliferous Mineral Extraction in Scotland - Processes and Environmental Consequences.

Wardell Armstrong (under preparation), Effective Approaches and Techniques in Landscaping and reclamation of hard rock quarries.

Wheeler & Shaw (1995), Restoration of Damaged Peatlands.

Wye College, University of London and the Forest Research, (1999), Soil-forming Materials: Their Use in Land Reclamation.



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