Planning Advice Note 65: Planning and open space

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 65 provides advice on the role of the planning system in protecting and enhancing existing open spaces and providing high quality new spaces.


Association of Town Centre Management/Department of the Environment, 1997, Managing Urban Spaces in Town Centres: Good Practice Guide, The Stationery Office, London

English Nature, 1995, Accessible Natural Greenspace in Towns and Cities, English Nature Research Reports No.153, English Nature (Supplementary leaflet: A Space for Nature)

Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, 2002, Green Spaces, Better Places, DTLR

Dundee City Council, 1999, Dundee's Public Open Space Strategy, Dundee City Council/Scottish Natural Heritage

McCall, A & Doar, N, 1997, The State of Scottish Greenspace, Scottish Natural Heritage, Perth

National Playing Fields Association, 2001, The Six Acre Standard: Minimum standards for outdoor playing space, National Playing Fields Association

Oxford Brookes University/Bell Cornwell Partnership, 2001, Good Practice Guide: Providing for Sport & Recreation through New Housing Development, Sport England

Scottish Enterprise, 1997, Streets Ahead, Scottish Enterprise

Scottish Executive, 2001, Designing Places: A Policy Statement for Scotland, Scottish Executive Development Department

Scottish Executive, 2001, Rethinking Open Space, The Stationery Office

Scottish Office, 1998, Circular 4/98: The use of conditions in planning permissions

Scottish Office, 1996, Circular 12/96: Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972, Planning Agreements

Scottish Government, 2007, Scottish Planning Policy 11: Open Space and Physical Activity

Scottish Natural Heritage, 2002, Natural Heritage Futures: Settlements, Scottish Natural Heritage

sportscotland, 2002, Facilities Planning Model, sportscotland

sportscotland, 2002, Planning Policy for the Protection of Playing Fields, sportscotland

sportscotland, 2001, Guide to the Preparation of Sports Pitch Strategies, sportscotland


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