
Planning Advice Note 65: Planning and open space

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 65 provides advice on the role of the planning system in protecting and enhancing existing open spaces and providing high quality new spaces.


4. SPP 11 sets out how the Scottish Ministers expect open space issues to be considered by local authorities. It ensures a strategic approach to open space by requiring local authorities to undertake an open space audit and prepare an open space strategy for their area, informing the development plan and setting out a vision for new and improved open space. In addition, sportscotland's Planning Policy for the Protection of Playing Fields sets out the factors it will take into account in assessing proposals.

5. Designing Places: A Policy Statement for Scotland sets out the Scottish Government's aspirations for higher design standards and re-emphasises that design is a material consideration in determining planning applications.

6. The future growth of settlements and the need to find sustainable locations for housing and economic development will have implications for open space. SPP 17: Planning for Transport supports higher densities in locations that are most accessible by walking, cycling and public transport. This should not lead to a loss of amenity and will place greater emphasis on the need for a well-distributed, well-connected and accessible supply of quality open space.

Related policy and advice

Open space is fundamental to a range of other planning policies. SPP2: Economic Development and SPP3: Planning for Housing emphasise the importance of open space in commercial and residential developments. NPPG 14: Natural Heritage recognises that the accessible and familiar natural heritage of our urban open spaces makes a valuable contribution to local identity and quality of life. PAN 60: Planning for Natural Heritage promotes the concept of green networks, which can contribute to wider landscape, biodiversity and urban design objectives. PAN 61: Planning and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems ( SUDS) identifies the important role of SUDS.

Both SPP 17 and PAN 75: Transport and Planning support the development of networks of paths, trails and green spaces that encourage walking, cycling and riding and link urban areas with the surrounding countryside and jobs to homes. PAN 76: New Residential Streets provides advice on the design of better quality residential streets. SPP 21: Green Belts recognises that green belt land can be managed to promote recreation. PAN 59: Improving Town Centres illustrates that the overall quality and viability of town and city centres can depend heavily on the design, management and maintenance of public spaces and their role as an important social and visual focus. PAN 71: Conservation Area Management, PAN 68: Design Statements and PAN 67: Housing Quality are also of relevance.

NPPG 18: Planning and the Historic Environment acknowledges the important relationship between buildings, cultural features and the natural environment in historic areas. It emphasises that the spaces between buildings, the settings of historic buildings and areas, urban parks, trees and historic street patterns can contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the historic environment and promotes their conservation. PAN 52: Planning and Small Towns emphasises the need to understand how open space in towns is used and supports analysis of the characteristics and functions of spaces.


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