
Planning Advice Note 65: Planning and open space

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 65 provides advice on the role of the planning system in protecting and enhancing existing open spaces and providing high quality new spaces.


14. Some of the best open spaces are parts of green networks. These can help to define landscape or townscape structure, provide links with the countryside, promote walking and cycling, and enhance connectivity for species and habitats. Many valuable open spaces are self-standing but, where feasible, planning authorities should try to extend and enhance green networks.

15. Local authorities should aim to maintain or form networks of green and civic spaces which:

  • contribute to the framework for development;
  • maintain and enhance environmental qualities;
  • provide a range of opportunities for recreation and leisure;
  • link and create wildlife habitats; and
  • encourage walking and cycling and reduce car use, in line with local transport strategies and Core Paths Plans.

16. Publicity in the form of signs, maps and leaflets can raise awareness of the network, which in turn can increase community commitment to its better use and management.


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