
Planning Advice Note 67: housing quality

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 67 explains how Designing Places should be applied to new housing.

Planning Advice Note PAN 67 Housing Quality

Case Study 3 - Staiths South Bank, Tyneside

Staiths South Bank is a 688 home development by George Wimpey City on the Banks of the River Tyne in Gateshead.

Designed in partnership with George Wimpey City, Hemingwaydesign and architects Ian Darby Partnership, the development offers the design conscious majority a new choice in housing. If you want open plan living then you will be able to choose a house with fewer internal walls. But if you want a more traditional layout, then that can be achieved too. If the purchaser would rather live upstairs to take advantage of the river view, then the bedrooms can be built downstairs. Overall, it will include 2 and 3 storey houses and one, two and three bedroom apartments.

Staiths South Bank has been designed to bring the streets to life. A place for people to meet and children to play; not an extended car park or rat run of high-speed roads. As part of the Home Zone Challenge, announced by the Prime Minister in 2001, its aim is to boost the quality of life for residents and create a harmonious relationship between people and cars.



The Concept
Staiths South Bank aims to combine contemporary design with community values and facilities.


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