
Planning Advice Note 67: housing quality

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 67 explains how Designing Places should be applied to new housing.

Planning Advice Note PAN 67 Housing Quality

Case Study 4 - Fürstlicher Rennplatz, Regensburg, Bavaria

This is an example of a high quality development on a former racecourse. The residential area has been developed with an adjoining business development. A shopping precinct has also been designed into the site layout, and this serves surrounding areas, as well as being located to public transport links to other parts of the city. The development is a particularly striking example of how the planning authority's specification is translated into reality.

The specification for the site, established by an architectural competition, set out the quantity of dwellings, site layout including open space and services such as shops but it also gave more detailed parameters such as the height and type of buildings, fenestration and roof pitch. For example, precise roof pitch and tiles were specified. On the other hand, more freedom was given in relation to features such as the general form of the buildings, window styles and colour schemes. Guidelines were issued on these features and the architects who produced development proposals were then able to use their own interpretation of the criteria. This process has resulted in a development which consists of a variety of building types, that are by no means uniform, but create a harmonious whole.



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