
Planning Advice Note 67: housing quality

Planning Advice Note (PAN) 67 explains how Designing Places should be applied to new housing.

Planning Advice Note PAN 67 Housing Quality

Urban design toolkit

A key element in achieving improved quality in new housing is through greater use of the urban design toolkit. The toolkit consists of a range of guidance or documents which can be used by local authorities and developers, to help improve the process by which to achieve good quality urban design.

Urban design frameworks

These should be prepared for any area where the likelihood of significant change calls for co-ordinated action. It often covers an area only part of which is likely to be developed in the near future. Urban design frameworks are used to co-ordinate more detailed development briefs and master plans. They can be used for areas such as or areas such as urban quarters, regeneration areas, town centres, urban edges, conservation areas, villages and new settlements.

Development briefs

A development brief is a document providing guidance on how a specific site of significant size or sensitivity should be developed in line with the relevant planning and design policies. It is for sites on which development is likely to have a significant impact; where development or design requirements need to be made explicit, or on particularly sensitive sites. For example, in a conservation area, next to listed buildings, or part of a prominent view.

Master plans

A master plan is a document that charts the master planning process and explains how a site or series of sites will be developed. It will describe how the proposal will be implemented, and set out the costs, phasing and timing of development. A master plan will usually be prepared by or on behalf of an organisation that owns the site or controls the development process. Master plans will be required for small sensitive sites, such as those in or close to conservation areas, and larger sites within or on the edge of settlements.

Design guides

A design guide provides guidance on how development can be carried out in accordance with the development plan, or sometimes with the planning and design policies of some other organisation. A local authority design guide will often relate to a specific topic such as conservation areas, shop fronts or house extensions.

Design statements

A design statement should explain and illustrate the design principles and design concept in the terms of the proposed layout; landscape; scale and mix; details and materials; and maintenance. It should show, as briefly as necessary, how these will help to achieve the qualities identified in Designing Places.

Design competitions

Design competitions have a role in encouraging inspirational design and can be used for particularly important or sensitive sites.


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