This PAN aims to create greater awareness of how linkages between planning and transport can be managed. It highlights the roles of different bodies and professions in the process and points to other sources of information.


1. Scotland's Transport, Scottish Executive, 2003.
2. Improving Health in Scotland: The Challenge, Scottish Executive, 2003.
3. Implementation of the rail review and other institutional changes will alter future responsibilities in transport.
4. Guidance on Local Transport Strategies and Road Traffic Reduction Reports, Scottish Executive, 2000 & Review of Local Transport Strategies and RTRA Reports, Scottish Executive, 2001.
5. Scotland's Transport Future: Proposals for Statutory Regional Transport Partnerships, Scottish Executive, 2004.
6. Development plan references in this PAN refer to structure and local plans, but will apply as appropriate to any strategic or local development plan that may be implemented as a result of future legislation
7. Implementation of the rail review and other institutional changes will alter future transport responsibilities in transport.
8. Accessibility: Review of Measuring Techniques and their Application, Scottish Executive, 2000.
9. Key Sites Appraisal Methodology for Development Planning, Scottish Executive, 2001.
10. A Policy Statement for Scotland: Designing Places, Scottish Executive, 2001 and Housing Quality, Scottish Executive, 2003.
11. Planning for Mode Share in New Developments, Scottish Executive, 2001.
12. Planning Advice Note 68 Design Statements, Scottish Executive, 2003
13. Home Zones: Guidance Consultation, Scottish Executive, 2002.
14. PAN on Residential Streets, to be published Spring 2005.
15. Transport Assessment and Implementation: A Guide, Scottish Executive, 2005.
16. Travel Plans: An Overview, Scottish Executive, 2002.
17. Circular 12/1996 Planning Agreements & the Use and Effectiveness of Planning Agreements, Scottish Executive, 2001 sets out principles of purpose, relationship to the development, scale and reasonableness.
18. E-mail Telephone 0131 244 5094.
19. Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance, Scottish Executive, 2003.
20. Barriers to Modal Shift, Scottish Executive, 2003.
21. PAN68 Design Statements, Scottish Executive, 2003.
22. Cycling by Design, Scottish Executive, 1999.
23. The predicted traffic flows are those provided on application to the Scottish Executive. Developers will not necessarily be required to provide the full 15 year parking levels as soon as the site opens, but will be expected to achieve:
Planning permission in respect of land able to accommodate the whole 15 year figure,
Have legally enforceable rights to acquire the necessary land to build up to the final provision in 5 year stages, and
Have a landscape setting and development framework capable of accommodating the phased development.
24. The predicted traffic flows are those provided on application to the Scottish Executive. Developers will not necessarily be required to provide the full 15 year parking levels as soon as the site opens, but will be expected to achieve:

  • Planning permission in respect of land able to accommodate the whole 15 year figure,
  • Have legally enforceable rights to acquire the necessary land to build up to the final provision in 5 year stages, and
  • Have a landscape setting and development framework capable of accommodating the phased development.
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