
Planning and Environmental Appeals website: user guidance

Guidance on use of the Planning and Environmental Appeals division's case publication website and the related DPEA Portal.

The following guidance is provided for ease of use of the Planning and Environmental Appeals division's website and the DPEA case portal.

Website guide

The website guide provides details on how to access cases and run searches on the website

Case portal registration guide

The case portal registration guide provides details on how to set up an account for the DPEA case portal and advises how to set up multifactor authentication for the account.

Case portal user guide

The case portal user guide provides details on how to navigate the case portal, set up email alerts and use bookmarking and search tools.

Case portal account management guide

The case portal account management guide provides details on how to change password, reset login details and delete your account.

DPEA case portal user guide
DPEA case portal account management guide
DPEA case portal registration guide
DPEA website guide


If you take part in the appeals process, use DPEA websites, contact the division or attend a webcast, the DPEA may collect certain information about you. To find out more about what information is collected, how the information is used and managed please read the DPEA's privacy notice

Planning and Environmental Appeals Twitter Feed


Telephone: 0300 244 6668

Planning and Environmental Appeals Division
Hadrian House
Callendar Business Park

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