Planning applications statistics 2022/2023: quarterly (April 2022 to September 2022)

Statistics on planning applications and decision-making timescales for the first two quarters of 2022-2023. Data are collected as part of the Planning Performance Framework from local and planning authorities.

4. General Points to Note

Categories of Planning Applications. For planning applications, developments are put into one of five categories: local, major, other, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and national. This publication covers the first four as national developments are dealt with by Scottish Government Ministers.

Local developments include applications for changes to individual houses, smaller developments of less than 50 homes, less than 2 hectares and less than 20 megawatts. Major developments include applications for 50 or more homes, greater than 2 hectares or more than 20 megawatts.

The classification of all development types can be found in the planning series circular Go to Hierarchy of Developments web page.

Calculation of Decision Times. The average decision time in weeks is calculated from the date of validation (the date when the final piece of information for an application is received) to the date the decision is issued. Some local authorities use processing agreements where the developer and the local authority agree on timescales for decisions. These are not included in average decision times.

Stopping the Clock. In some cases it is appropriate to remove a length of time from the total decision time. "Stopping the clock" is used where there has been a lengthy delay caused by the applicant or external consultees. This is not under the planning authority's control and the authority cannot progress with an application.



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