
Planning Applications Statistics 2023/24: Quarterly (April 2023 to September 2023)

Statistics on planning applications and decision-making timescales for the first two quarters of 2023-2024. Data are collected as part of the Planning Performance Framework from local and planning authorities.

Major Developments

Please note that these statistics are estimates for quarters 1 and 2 of 2023/24. See note in Data and Methodology section.

All Major Developments

Figure 2: All Major Developments

The number of decisions on major developments in the first two quarters of 2023/24 was 111 (there were 121 in the same period in the previous year). The average decision times for applications without processing agreements were 22.4 weeks in Q1 and 52.9 weeks in Q2. (Average times for these applications can be skewed by one or two particularly large values).

Major Housing Developments

There were 19 major housing developments not subject to processing agreements decided during the first two quarters of 2023/24. The average decision times were 24.4 weeks in Q1 and 99.8 weeks in Q2. (Average times for these applications can be skewed by one or two particularly large values). There were 22 applications with processing agreements. Timescales were met for 64 per cent in Q1 and 38 per cent in Q2.



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