
Planning circular 2/2015: non-domestic permitted development rights - consolidated circular - updated 2021

This circular consolidates, updates and replaces certain previous guidance on non-domestic Permitted Development Rights (PDRs).

Annex C

Sewerage Undertakings

1. Class 43A covers sewerage development undertaken by a sewerage authority or by a person authorised under Section 3A of the Sewerage (Scotland) Act 1968. The class covers development both under and over ground.

2. Class 43A(2) requires planning authorities to be notified of the proposed works (both above and/or underground) and their location not less than 28 days prior to the commencement of works. Good practice would be for early liaison between the sewerage authority and the planning authority. Planning authorities should have information on environmentally sensitive sites, archaeological sites and proposals for development etc., which would be essential to the sewerage authority in planning their works.

3. Permitted development rights under Class 43A cover any development not above ground level which involves the provision, improvement, maintenance or repair of a sewer, outfall pipe or sludge main or any associated apparatus. Above ground, PDR allow certain works subject to the following restrictions:

Type of development Restrictions
Control kiosk for a pump station or monitoring station Dimensions of the kiosk do not exceed; 6 cubic metres total volume; 2 metres in height; 3 metres in width; and, 1 metre in depth.
Sewer pipe supported on pillars or truss above ground to maintain a gradient 1 metre in height
Raised manhole covers or sampling chamber 1 metre in height 1 metre in width
Vent pipe 3 metres in height
Concrete head wall for sewer discharge pipes 1.5 metres in height 1.5 metres in length 0.5 metres in depth



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