
Planning Circular 5/1996: cost of inquiries

Planning Circular 5/1996: Town and Country Planning (costs of inquiries etc) (standard daily amount) (Scotland) regulations 1996.

The Chief Executive
Regional and Islands Councils
District Councils (except in Highland,
Borders and Dumfries and Galloway)

Our Ref: PGB/5/3

The Chief Executive Shadow Local Authorities

7 March 1996

Dear Sir/Madam

Planning Circular 5/1996: Town and Country planning (costs of inquiries etc) (standard daily amount) (Scotland) regulations 1996

1. This Circular draws your attention to the Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries Etc.) (Standard Daily Amount) (Scotland) Regulations 1996. These Regulations have been signed by Mr George Kynoch, Minister for Planning at The Scottish Office and have now been laid before Parliament. Subject to approval, copies of the SI will be sent to Chief Executives in due course. Further copies will be available from Her Majesty's Stationery Office.

2. The Regulations which are made under section 11 of and paragraph 7 of Schedule 6A to the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972, as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries Etc.) Act 1995, set a standard daily amount to be charged by The Scottish Office Inquiry Reporters Unit for the services of a full-time Reporter, or direct by a part-time Reporter or other person appointed to conduct a local plan or simplified planning zone inquiry. The amount, which is set at £275 per day and will be subject to regular review, will be charged for each day or part day on which the Reporter is engaged on work associated with the inquiry, including pre-inquiry preparation and meetings, site visits and report writing. The Regulations will apply to the performance of these duties from 1 April 1996, whether the appointment was made before or after this date.

3. Any enquiries about this Circular should be addressed to Keith Main, Room 2-H41, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ (Telephone 0131-244-7062). Further copies and a list of current planning circulars may be obtained from Miss Kelly Wood at the same address (Telephone 0131-244-7066).

Yours faithfully

M T Affolter



Telephone: 0131 244 7528

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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