Planning decision: King's Seat Hillfort, Kings Seat, Dunkeld

Planning proposal relating to an archaeological excavation at King’s Seat Hillfort, Kings Seat, Dunkeld (ref. SMC-PAK-005). This case is closed.

Status of case: closed
Action: cleared back to the planning authority for their own determination
Action date: 23/06/2017

Scottish Government reference number: SMC-PAK-005
Planning authority reference number: AMH/1598/1/1
Planning authority: Historic Environment Scotland

Scottish Ministers may intervene in determining a planning proposal, whether an application or an appeal, where it is felt there is a national interest in doing so. We make all correspondence between ourselves, planning authorities and Historic Environment Scotland relating to each case's progress available to the public.


A decision by ministers is final. However, you may seek an appeal to the Court of Session within 6 weeks of the final decision. The Court of Session cannot change a decision, but it can force Ministers to reconsider one.

The attached documents relate to planning application for an archaeological excavation at King's Seat Hillfort, Kings Seat, Dunkeld (ref. SMC-PAK-005):

  • clearance letter
  • Planning and Architecture Division assessment report
  • letter commencing consideration period

More information

Planning Circular 3 2009: Notification of Planning Applications provides context to the above proposal.

clearance letter.pdf
Planning and Architecture Division assessment report.pdf
letter commencing consideration period.pdf



Telephone: 0131 244 7073

Area 2-H (South)
Planning and Architecture Division
The Scottish Government
Victoria Quay

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