
Planning, economy, place: literature review

Review of the publications and case studies regarding how planning can support the economy, and

how the economy can support creating great places.


i. Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act, 1947,

ii. Collar, N., 2016. Planning (4th Edition), London

iii. The Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006, sourced at

iv. Scotland's Economic Strategy, 2015, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

v. The National Planning Framework (NPF3), 2014, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

vi. Scottish Planning Policy (SPP), 2014, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

vii. Creating Places - A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland, 2013, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

viii. Craigforth and Planning Aid Scotland (2013), National Planning Framework 3: Analysis of Consultation Responses

ix. Geoff Peart Consulting (2013), Draft Scottish Planning Policy analysis of consultation responses, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

x. RTPI Scotland (2017), Inclusive Growth - More than just a nice idea ?, Scottish Planner, December 2017

xi. Kevin Murray Associates (2016), The Planning Review: Analysis of Written Evidence, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xii. Kevin Murray Associates and University of Dundee (2016), Planning Review: Analysis of Consultation Responses, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xiii. Places, People and Planning: A consultation of the future of the Scottish Planning System, 2013, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xiv. Places, People and Planning - Position Statement, 2017, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xv. Kevin Murray Associates (2017), Planning Review: Analysis of Position Statement Responses, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xvi. Jack Harvey & Ernie Jowsey, 2004. Urban Land Economics (6th Edition), Chapter 12, The Economics of Planning Controls

xvii. Paul N. Balchin, David Isaac and Jean Chen, 2000. Urban Economics - A Global Perspective, Chapter 9, Urban Planning, Land Policy and the Market

xviii. Jones, C., 2014. Land use planning policies and market forces: Utopian aspirations thwarted ?, Land Use Policy 38 (2014), 573-579

xix. Fraser, W., 1986. Supply Elasticity and the Rental Value of Investment Property, Journal of Valuation, Vol. 4 Issue: 4, pp.354-369

xx. Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, 2016. The Economic and Social Benefits of Home Building in Scotland, published by Homes for Scotland, Edinburgh

xxi. Sourced at:; at the time of writing the report by the University of Strathclyde's Fraser of Allander Institute was awaiting publication

xxii. Hub pipeline tracker sourced at

xxiii. Draft Advice on Net Economic Benefit and Planning, 2016, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

xxiv. Evans, B, Lord, J. and Robertson, M. 2018 (publication pending), Scotland's Urban AGE

xxv. Place making, 2016. British Council for Offices

xxvi. The value of place making, 2016. Savills

xxvii. Centre for Cities, 2017. What investors want: a guide for cities. Sourced at:

xxviii. Pendlebury, D., 2015. The Gorbals Regeneration-Delivering Economic Value through Planning.

xxix. Glossop, C., 2008. Housing and economic development: Moving forward together. Housing Corporation.

xxx. Cheshire, P., Leunig, T., Nathan, M. and Overman, H., 2012. Links between planning and economic performance: Evidence note for LSE Growth Commission.". LSE Growth Commission and Institute for Government.

Cheshire, P.C. and Hilber, C.A., 2017. The economics of land markets and their regulation (No. 331). Edward Elgar Publishing.

xxxi. Cheshire, P., 2008. Reflections on the nature and policy implications of planning restrictions on housing supply. Discussion of 'Planning policy, planning practice, and housing supply'by Kate Barker. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 24(1), pp.50-58.

xxxii. Cheshire, P., Hilber, C.A. and Kaplanis, I., 2011. Evaluating the effects of planning policies on the retail sector: Or do town centre first policies deliver the goods ?

xxxiii. Wong, C., Rae, A., Baker, M., Hincks, S., Kingston, R., Watkins, C. and Ferrari, E., 2008. Measuring the Outcomes of Spatial Planning in England. London, Royal Town Planning Institute and the Department for Communities and Local Government.

xxxiv. Adams, D. and Watkins, C., 2014. The value of planning. RR5, Royal Town Planning Institute, London.

xxxv. Barker, K., 2006. Barker Review of Land Use Planning, London, HMSO

xxxvi. Scottish Government, 2012. Economic Growth and the Development Sector Factsheet, Edinburgh

xxxvii. Office for the Deputy Prime Minister, 2003. Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions Committee, House of Commons, London

xxxviii. Wu, F., Zhang, F. and Wang, Z., 2015. Planning China's Future: How planners contribute to growth and development( No. 12). RTPI Research Report.

xxxix. Lord, A., O'Brien, P., Sykes, O. and Sturzaker, J., 2015. Planning as 'market maker': How planning is used to stimulate development in Germany, France and The Netherlands. London: Royal Town Planning Institute. Retrieved March, 16, p.2016.

xl. Oxley, M., Brown, T.J., Fernandez-Maldonado, A.M., Qu, L. and Tummers, L. (2009), Review of European Planning Systems, De Montfort University, Leicester

xli. RTPI, 2014. Creating Economically Successful Places. Sourced at:

xlii. Richard Hu, 2018. Planning for Economic Development, in Carolina Hein, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Planning History, London and New York, Routledge, 313-324

xliii. Campbell, S. 1996. Green Cities, Growing Cities, Just Cities - Urban Planning and the contradictions of sustainable development. Journal of the American Planning Association; 62, 3

xliv. Geddes, P. (1915), Cities in Evolution.

xlv. Howard, E. (1902). Garden Cities of Tomorrow.

xlvi. Jacobs, J. (1961), Death and Life of Great American Cities

xlvii. Arthur Skeffington MP and the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (1969), 'People and Planning. Report of the Committee on Public Participation in Planning', HMSO

xlviii. Fawcett and Sturzaker, (2016), Rediscovering Place for Social Town Planning. Town and Country Planning, 85(5), 189-192

xlix. MacIntyre, S., Ellaway, A. and Cummins, S. (2002), Place effects on health: how can we conceptualise, operationalise and measure them ?, Social Science & Medicine 55 (2002) 125-139

l. McInroy, N. and Longlands, S., 2010. Productive local economies: creating resilient places. Manchester: Centre for Local Economic Strategies.

li. Matthews, P., Netto, G. and Besemer, K., 2012. 'Hard-to-Reach' or 'Easy-to-Ignore'? A rapid review of place-based policies and equality. Glasgow, Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland.

lii. Bailey, N., 2012. Turning around the poorest neighbourhoods: learning the lessons from years of neighbourhood-based regeneration strategies in England. In: Living on the boundaries: urban marginality in national and international contexts. Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Practice, 8. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 313-328.

liii. UN-Habitat, 2012. Place making and the future of cities.

liv. RTPI, 2014. Fostering Growth: Understanding and Strengthening the Economic Benefits of Planning

lv. Wheeler, D., Ross, G. and Robertson, M. Research Project to Establish The Value of Design in the Built Environment (Scotland), The Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

lvi. CABE and DETR, 2001. The Value of Urban Design, London

lvii. CABE, 2008. The Cost of Bad Design, London

lviii. Adams, D. et al (2016), Delivering the Value of Planning, RTPI Research Report no.15

lix. Adams, D., Tiesdell, S. and Weeks, G., 2010. Delivering Better Places in Scotland: A guide to learning from broader experience, The Scottish Government, Edinburgh

lx. Gulliver, S. and Tolson, S., 2013. Delivering Great Places to Live: 10 Propositions aimed at transforming Placemaking in Scotland, University of Glasgow and Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

lxi. Heurkens, E., Adams, D. and Hobma, F., 2015. Planners as market actors: the role of local planning authorities in the UK's urban regeneration practice. Town Planning Review, 86(6), pp.625-650.

lxii. The Community Empowerment Scotland Act, 2015, The Scottish Government, sourced at:

lxiii. Tolson, S. and Rintoul, A, March 2018. The Delivery of Public Interest (Led) Development in Scotland, a Land Lines discussion paper, Scottish Land Commission

lxiv. Improvements Service, 2016. Place-based approaches to joint planning, resourcing and delivery.

lxv. Unpublished at the time of writing

lxvi. The Scottish Planner, June 2015, Borders Railway: A New development Corridor for Scotland

lxvii. Transport Scotland (2016), Process Evaluation of the Borders Railway, Scottish Government



Email: Eric Dawson

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